Young person’s guide to nazis and other “bad hombres”
by T. Touris –
The following is a brief guide for parents who have, or know a young child that may be confused by recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Not too many people know this, but the Nazis were very, very bad people. They killed many, many good and beautiful people. They just KILLED them, in horrible ways, just because they looked a little different or had different last names. Some, they first made into slaves and forced them to work all day doing terrible jobs; then they killed them.
A long time ago, not too long really, your grandparents probably remember, Americans helped fight these Nazis and other bad people trying to take over the world. Led by great, great generals like Eisenhower (later a Republican president), many brave Americans fought and DIED. They helped to finally beat the terrible Nazis and their evil friends. The whole world said America was GREAT! Everyone wanted to go there, because they knew that there would NEVER be anyNazis in America.
They knew this because Americans have been fighting bad people for a long time. Way back, there were some people who liked to own other people with dark skin. They hunted and captured these people in Africa and brought them to the United States in chains. They made them work all day and would often beat them. Sometimes, they would take children away from their parents and sell them to other slave owners.
Then, an amazing president named Abraham Lincoln, who was a Republican, decided all this was wrong, evil and un-American. With the help of another great general, Ulysses S. Grant (guess what? Another Republican president), brave Americans from all over the country fought to end slavery and make it so every person in America could be free.
Ever since Thomas Jefferson (REPUBLICAN!) wrote down the beautiful idea that everyone has the right to “life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness”,
Americans have been TRYING to make this idea real.
THIS is why America is great.