Yates County Updates Re: Democratic Primary
The Board of Elections is monitoring the developments regarding the possible forthcoming Primary Elections scheduled for June 23rd. There is concern by voters for getting to the poll sites or obtaining an absentee ballot in order to vote by mail. At this time there is no new information that will allow us to change any plans for these elections, and we are proceeding as though there will be a primary. There is still the potential for significant change.

Regarding a possible change for the Democratic Party’s Presidential Primary, the Democratic Commissioners on the NYS Board of Elections have the ability to remove any candidate from the primary ballot if the candidate has suspended their national campaign. They have announced that they will be meeting at noon on Monday, April 27th to consider that action for one of the last remaining candidates, Bernie Sanders. If they remove candidate Sanders, there will not be a need for a Democratic Party Presidential Primary.
Regarding a primary to determine which candidates for Local, State or Federal offices will be on the General Election ballot in November, there is one possible primary for the Democratic Party’s candidate for US Congress member for the 23rd Congressional District. Two Democratic candidates submitted petitions to the State Board of Elections. One candidate’s petition was rejected by the State Board as not having enough signatures. The petitioner appealed that decision in court, and the court decision is still pending. There is no anticipated date for an announcement by the court. Once that decision is rendered, there is the possibility of an appeal to a higher court which will further delay our announcing a primary in Yates County. There is however a deadline of May 8th when the State must certify to the county Boards of Election which candidates will be on the Primary ballots. Ideally, the judges will render their decisions by this deadline so that the counties can prepare the ballots for mailing to enrolled overseas and military voters.
Regarding the speculation that the Governor will dictate that County Boards of Election must mail a ballot to every eligible voter in a primary election on June 23rd, there has not been any OFFCIAL announcement of this action by the Governor, the State Legislature or the State Board of Elections. This is an unfounded rumor. If there is to be a Primary on June 23rd, the YC BOE will make formal announcements on how voters can take advantage of liberalized use of the absentee ballot, early voting or existing polling sites. In the event of an election on June 23rd, the BOE’s objectives will include keeping the voter and the poll workers safe.