West End Gallery “Spring Spotlight” exhibit
WHO: Four artists represented by West End Gallery
Jennifer Fais – Cameron Mills, NY
Amy Hutto – Bath, NY
Joseph A. Miller – Buffalo, NY
Judy Soprano – Livonia, NY
WHAT: New “Spring Spotlight” exhibit! The exhibit features four talented regional artists working in a variety of mediums.
WHEN: Exhibit will be on display March 25 – April 28, 2022
Opening Day: Friday, March 25th from 11am-7pm
Enjoy the exhibit In Person and Online!
To enjoy In Person on Opening Day:
Join us at the Gallery anytime between 11am and 7pm. No appointment needed. Capacity restrictions may apply.
To enjoy Online on Opening Day:
Visit www.WestEndGallery.net
Exhibit debuts online by 11am on Opening Day.
To enjoy In Person AFTER Opening Day:
Open for Walk-Ins Tuesday-Saturday 11am-5pm
WHERE: In Person and Online
In Person: West End Gallery 12 W. Market Street Corning, NY
Online: www.WestEndGallery.net
Free admission. Main exhibits at West End Gallery are wheelchair accessible. The Gallery is family-friendly.
West End Gallery is excited to announce the opening of its new “Spring Spotlight” exhibit. The exhibit features new work by four regional artists working in a variety of mediums and allows each artist to showcase their talents in the “spotlight”. We are pleased to present 2022’s Spring Spotlight Artists:

Jennifer Fais of Cameron Mills, NY states “Making art is an expression of love. I have loved nature since my parents chose “Green” as my middle name. Rivers, wetlands, meadows, birds – they all stir my heart. Painting them is one way for me to connect to the natural world, so, it should be no surprise that I have painted many birds, waterscapes and bridge scenes. Canoeing is also a passion and I have painted a watercolor of many of the sixteen boat launch sites in Chemung and Steuben Counties.
I have a variety of subject matter for my watercolors, acrylics and drawings. Recent subjects include marsh birds – especially the Great Blue Heron. Using a loose, wash and splatter approach I paint watercolor and acrylics on a gessoed collage of papers which often results in exciting, unexpected edges and colors.
My work tends to be representational, and I also enjoy painting the constructed landscape in and around Corning, NY, my home for about thirty years. The Little Joe Tower and the Centerway Bridge are favorite subjects of mine. I also paint house portraits delighting in the architectural detail that endears the home to its owner as well.”

Amy Hutto of Bath, NY states “I am a lover of color… all colors. When my daughter was younger she would always ask me what my favorite color was and I could never give her an answer, because, they’re all my favorites. It’s just a matter of which ones are my favorites in the moment that I’m creating. I think this comes across in my work as spontaneity, which I like. The other thing I try to do is create a lot of texture in my work, no matter the subject. To me, the textures create interest and depth in the layers. I can see other colors peeking out from under a scribble, or my palette knife sweeps across and lifts or deposits colors along the way. In that way, color and texture are intertwined in my work. For me, it’s difficult to have one without the other.”

Joseph A. Miller of Buffalo, NY is an Associate Professor of Art at S.U.N.Y. Buffalo State, where he has taught drawing and painting since 1997. Miller’s work is in numerous public and private collections, and has been shown internationally in Finland, China, Poland and the Czech Republic, as well as across the United States, from Berkeley, California to Cambridge, Massachusetts. His work has been exhibited at the Arnot Art Museum, the Castellani Art Museum and the Burchfield-Penney Art Center in New York, the Allentown Art Museum, the Woodmere Art Museum, the Erie Art Museum in Pennsylvania, and the Springville Museum of Art in Utah.
In his artist’s statement, Miller says, “I focus primarily on the human figure depicted in environments that create a context for psychologically charged, open ended narratives. Many of these narratives explore ideas about power and vulnerability.
Quality of light is a common theme. In particular, the way in which atmospheric light and locale can suggest a sense of mystery and silence. These works are dark, humid and hopefully, at their best, memorable. For me, the most successful are those that evoke the feeling that an event is about to happen or has recently happened.
Images of figures or figures in landscapes, in groups or in isolation, share a common feeling of significance. Wholly absorbed within themselves or the dialogue shared between one another, they wait for the unfolding of their private story.”

Judy Soprano of Livonia, NY has been with the Gallery for more than 25 years and is well-known for her watercolors of winter landscapes and rural scenes. Her years of experience show in her paintings as the paint seems to seamlessly and flawlessly fall off the end of her paintbrush. She is also accomplished at painting in oils and will have a number of oil paintings as well as watercolors on exhibit. Life in the Finger Lakes magazine published an article about Judy and her work titled “Painting with Passion and Purpose” which may be seen in the May/June 2019 issue.
In her artist’s statement, she says “I opened the door to my creativity and found my soul”. I grew up on a farm so my love for the rural scenes is easily seen in all of my paintings. I love the way farmers construct barns and sheds on their farms. It seems to me to be very creative for one barn to be built then the add-ons come as the years go on and as the need arises.
My next love is trees. I love them in the winter when you can see their bones. And next come shadows. The way shadows run across the land…I can see them moving when I paint them into a winter scene. They show me how the land lies and how it rises and falls over the bumps in the back land of our farm.”
Opening Day is on Friday, March 25th from 11am-7pm. No appointment necessary on Opening Day. Capacity limitations apply. Inquire for private appointments. The exhibit will also debut online www.WestEndGallery.net on Friday, March 25th by 11am.
Know before you go. Visit our website for our most recent Operations Updates which include Safety Updates, Current Business Hours and Services Offered. https://www.westendgallery.net/our-response-to-covid-19/
The event is FREE and open to the public. Families are encouraged to visit. The main exhibit is wheelchair accessible. We value digital inclusion. Our website is now certified by AudioEye.
Open for Walk-Ins Tuesday-Saturday 11am-5pm Open by Appointment Monday 11am-5pm & Tues-Sat 10-11am *Please call in advance to schedule an appointment.