Walden Project Enrollment Nears Capacity
August Newsletter

“Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes. ” (HDT)
And, somehow, it is already August! The Walden Project has been in regular communication with the Ontario County Department of Health, finalizing our plans to be able to run our program safely this fall. With our small size, outdoor setting, social distancing practices, and a few minor changes to our space in the woods, we are planning to go forward with in-person classes this school year. It’s still hard to imagine The Walden Project without hugs and high fives, but we will approach the challenges we face this year with the same creativity and resilience that are hallmarks of this program.
Enrollment Updates
At this moment, we are near our maximum enrollment capacity! If you haven’t submitted your application for the fall yet, we encourage you to do so very soon as we are trying to finalize our enrollment over the next two weeks. Here is the link to apply: waldenprojectny.com/apply If we surpass our enrollment, we will start a waiting list and notify people if there is a cancellation.
Open House!
On Saturday, August 8 from 1-5pm, we are having an Open House event! Here’s the basic plan:1:00 – teenagers get dropped off at Walden. We’ll do a tour of the campus, do some Walden activities, and give everybody a chance to check out the site.4:00 – parents and families can join us and we’ll have an Alumni Panel Discussion with Q&A session so everyone can hear what the program is like from a student’s perspective. If you have any friends who are interested in joining you at Walden this year, this is a great opportunity for them to check it out! We just ask that everyone register before attending. Here’s the link.Walden in the News:The Walden Project was featured on our local public radio station, WXXI last month. Check out the story!
Scholarship FundWe are currently raising additional funds to help provide financial aid for students who qualify. If you are able to contribute, please visit this site: https://www.gofundme.com/manage/the-walden-projectny-scholarship-fund
As always, we are enormously grateful for your continued support!