Thinking for a Change

Livingston County Jail’s Recidivism Reduction Program Graduates 7
GENESEO: Sheriff Thomas J. Dougherty reports the graduation of inmates of a program inside the Livingston County Jail that targets reducing recidivism.
On March 22, 2021, members of the Sheriff’s Office Jail Division held a graduation ceremony for seven inmates from the “Thinking for a Change” class taught by the Transitional Services Team.
The Transitional Services Team at the Livingston County Jail not only helps inmates with their transitional needs while they prepare to re-enter the community, but the team is also built with trained facilitators in the Integrated Cognitive Behavioral Intervention program, Thinking for a Change (T4C).
“Thinking for a Change” is a program that consists of 25 lessons, in which all build upon each other. These lessons are constructed based upon research from cognitive restructuring theory, social skills development, and the learning and use of problem solving skills. This intervention program has been created to help reduce the recidivism rate in both juveniles and adults.
Our current group of male inmates has dedicated time and effort to help improve themselves not only for the moment, but for the future. They put in the effort to understand that their thoughts are often the result of an experience and their behavior reflects on those initial thoughts. The class has come up with several other ways to approach an issue they may be having with a more positive approach that will hopefully construct a better outcome; to help reduce their risk of future incarceration.
The Jail Division members congratulate the seven graduates for their effort and willingness for self improvement and thank the Transitional Services Team for their instruction and dedication for a new start for these soon to be released inmates.
Congratulations to our first graduating class of 2021!