These Wilds Submissions
Canadice Press, in collaboration with Little Lakes Community Center’s Voices Across Lakes, is excited to announce that submissions will be open from November 13, 2024 through February 13, 2025 (at 1300 hours–1PM) for These Wilds (Owl Light Literary No. 2), a literary and visual arts journal. “These Wilds” will celebrate the wildness and wonder of New York State – with an open interpretation of the theme encouraged to encompass both rural and urban settings! As such, submissions will be open to New York State Residents only.* Ten or more authors and one guest illustrator will be selected for publication in These Wilds.
Guest editors are Milo Fredrickson and Tina Crossgrove.

There is no submission fee. All entries will be reviewed blind and all selection decisions will be final. Submissions should be emailed to with “These Wilds Submission” in the subject line. A separate single page doc/docx titled: your title(s)_your name MUST be submitted in the same email as the submission with author/artist’s legal name, title of the submission(s), e-mail, address in NYS, and phone number. There should be no contact information on the submission attachment(s).
Artists should attach 3-8 images in high resolution. Images should be reproducible in B&W.
Selection will be based on the quality of the artwork and alignment with the theme.
Note: the journal will be 6”x9” with full or half page art included on inside pages.

Some general guidelines that make it more likely we will look at and publish your work:
→ Thoughtful work that offers innovative interpretations and visions of the “These Wilds” theme;
→ Send literary submissions (fiction, creative non-fiction, hybrid) in doc/ docx following all guidelines.
→No contact information on the submission document / image(s) (see above).
→Written submissions should be 2000 words or less (one piece or up to three shorter works totaling 2000 words or less in any genre(s) equals one submission – i.e. three flash fiction, a single short story, or a short, short story and a poem). Hybrid submissions welcomed and encouraged.
→Original writing/art that is relevant to residents of NYS;
→ 12 point Times New Roman or similar font in black, double spaced (poetry exempted based on style) – what counts is the writing, not how fancy the page looks!
→Edit carefully and well; submissions will be considered as received and no corrections will be allowed.
→If you are sending poetry or hybrid work with non-traditional layout please include a pdf to ensure that formatting is retained.
We will be posting selections from our first journal- Turning Points: Owl Light Literary No. 1 – at beginning today and throughout the submission period. We will provide updates on these postings and on the journal selections at
*Are you eligible to submit work for consideration in These Wilds? We will accept submissions from anyone who is a current year-round resident of NYS. We may accept submissions from non-residents who have direct ties with NYS through seasonal residency, family roots, occupation, or outreach but do not currently have a legal residence in NYS. If you do not currently reside in NYS and wish to submit, please elaborate via a short statement on your contacts page, so we may consider your submission.