The Wooly Wonders Kick Off is April 17th!

The Wooly Wonders project at the Arts Council for Wyoming County is funded by a grant from the Wyoming Foundation, a division of the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, and allows us to engage participants in taking a local wool fleece from sheep to a finished project. We will be meeting once a month from April to November to learn how to choose the best fleece for our project, how to clean and process it, spin the fleece and ply it into yarn, dye it if desired, choose a project pattern and adapt it if necessary, and then knit or crochet the yarn into finished items that will then be displayed at ACWC in a project wrap up show. Each participant will be provided fleece for their project and be able to participate in all the Wooly Wonders workshops throughout the year, including tours of two Wyoming County farms and conversations with shepherds there.
The program will be led by Marcia Weinert of Undeniably Loopy and Linda Franke, ACWC staff member. This is a great project if you are interested in learning more about local fiber sources, improving your fiber skills and learning some new ones, and supporting local farms and businesses. We can even lend you a spinning wheel if you need one! If you are interested in being a part of this fun fiber event, please contact Linda as soon as possible at or 237-3517 ext 102. We have a limited number of spots, so get in touch as soon as possible!
The Wyoming Foundation was established in 1974 and is a division of the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo. The Wyoming Foundation actively supports a wide variety of cultural, educational and human services organizations in Wyoming County.
For more than a century, the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo has enhanced and encouraged long-term philanthropy in the Western New York community. A 501 (c)(3) organization, the Community Foundation’s mission is: Connecting people, ideas and resources to improve lives in Western New York. Established in 1919, the Community Foundation has made the most of the generosity of individuals, families, foundations and organizations who entrust charitable assets to the Community Foundation’s care. Learn more at
Sheep image from a previous OwlLight piece.
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