The Light Lens: A Distress trill
by T. Touris –

I recently encountered a tree frog trilling away in our old defunct, monster satellite dish. Fortunately, I was quick with the Google Translate app on my smart phone and was able to pick up a bit of his conversation with the cosmos.
Okay, I heard about that movie ET, so I’ll see if this thing can make calls out.
Hello to any amphibious brethren out there.
If you ever come this way, can you please give us a lift off this mammal infested rock?
The two-legged creatures with the big brains think they own the joint. Day in and day out I see them zipping about in their big machines. My cousin Clyde almost got squished by one the other day.
What the heck is their hurry? And another thing…
Whoa! What the (unintelligible)! This joker with an oversized cranium is flashing a blinding light in my eyes! Gotta go.
Not to be pushy, but if you can send a ship this way, that’d be great. We don’t take up a lot of space.