The Conscious Crow: Mirror Reflections

Mirror reflections are all we see in varying degrees. The people we meet, the circumstances we encounter, the moments we embark upon are all a reflection of who we currently are and how we see ourselves. What we see in others is either what we knowingly honor within ourselves, or unconsciously need to recognize. Each individual is a physical representation guiding our awareness back to our innate identity. Our mission is to actualize Self in other, dissolving this deep illusion of separation that feeds into our mind and clouds our eye and perception.
There is no separation between who we are and the world that surrounds us. Life is not something that happens to us it is something that happens from us. We are life actualizing itself in One expansive mirage. We see what we intend to see, meet who we need to meet, and perceive existence based on what we feed it and how we continue to feel. The environment that sprouts then is a result and response to what we have already decided to identify with on an internal level. A silent agreement that speaks itself into matter. Essentially, how we identify with ourselves is how the world is presented to us. What we reject in another is a simultaneous element of rejection within ourselves that we cannot yet see or understand, and when we admire an individual, we reveal the reflective, yet hidden aspect of our Self that we inherently carry and haven’t quite developed into our repertoire. As Marianne Williamson so wisely phrases in her book A Return To Love, “..any darkness we let blind us to another’s perfection also blinds us to our own.”
We mirror one another, constantly co-creating whatever dream we choose to project.
Every one of us is a teacher. We learn more about each other on the deepest, most intimate levels of our Being and truly begin noticing how intricately connected we all are when we honestly relate with one another. Marianne sheds light on this idea that we are woven as One unit, “…we’re like the spokes on a wheel, all radiating out from the same center.” Again, whatever energy we infuse into our interactions will be the type of frequency we all therefore feel in return, since there is no difference between giver and receiver, us and them. Every action and intention carries like a wave; splashing upon our existence in a conscious and unconscious manner, within our specific frame of reference. What we give out is what comes back to us; widened and narrowed “us.” That first line in what the iconic, ageless Beatles point to is “I am he as you are he as you are me, and we are all together.” Let’s remember and notice how our actions continue to weave and plant seeds within ourselves, on the me and he, and we, on every level and scale, and wave reverberating.