The Blue and Green Caves of Croatia
by Scott Page –

A boat day trip to the spectacular Green and Blue caves of Croatia is a must. Our tour started from Hvar, but there are plenty of tours departing from other places nearby. The natural caves were just two of the several stops we took on our tour, and being out on the brilliant blue and clear waters of the Adriatic Sea made for a memorable day.

The green cave gets its name due to a hole in the top of it, which allows light to shine down through and reflect off the bottom, casting a green glowing color throughout the cave. The cave once served as a military hide out – soldiers in boats hid inside and the hole in the top was drilled for ventilation. We were able to snorkel inside the cave and see uncountable numbers of fish through the green streams of light.
The blue cave is unforgettable. First discovered by a diver, it used to only be accessible by diving until 1884 when an artificial entrance was built. We entered through that entrance – a hole that was just big enough for the boat to fit through – and we literally had to lay on the floor of the boat so we didn’t hit our heads. Once inside, the silvery-blue glow of the cave is breathtaking. The glow of the cave is caused by sunlight reflecting off of the surface of the natural entrance to the cave, which is under sea level. The reflection off the limestone formations bounces to the sea bottom and casts an iridescent blue glow throughout the cave which is mesmerizing. Although you can’t swim in the cave, seeing it from boat is worth it.