One Saturday, I pushed aside the covers along with cartoons, bike riding, and all the other distractions that can get a 10-year-old into...
Tag : #owllightliterary

Summer in Your Veins
4:30 AM, January 4th. The call I’ve been dreading. “It’s Ferris Hills. Your father has fallen and is in an ambulance headed up to...

Saying Goodbye
Saying Goodbye What bothers me;not lengthening darkness,cooler Fall temperatures, it is the bees. How they cling to red and yellow...

Poetry-Susana Case
Suicide Threat My lover demands I make a listof everything I haven’t told him,or that I lied about,and when I’m done, to call...

Poetry-Turning Points 2021
HIBAH SHABKHEZ LOST IN TRANSLATION We wait. We wait a little longer. We begin to fidget and peer at the tracks. We wait …At long last...

The Farm
Whenever I go back home to visit, I always drive up to the old Chandler farm on the Nunda Road, park the car next to the spruce tree at...

Sponsors – Turning Points
The recent publication of our first Owl Light Literary journal – Turning Points was made possible, in part, due to generous...