by T. Touris and D.E. Bentley –
Tag : #FLX

The Alchemy of Life, Death and Beer
By Gary Catt – I haven’t made a springtime visit to the Alleghenyville (PA) graveyard for some time now. I don’t even recall...

The Conscious Crow: Acceptance Autism – A different perspective
As we glide past April coasting into May, we reflect upon April, also known as “Autism Awareness Month,” and what treasures it...

Craft on the water
by D.E. Bentley – The oar cut silently into the water and the canoe glided gracefully forward on the clear, still surface as...

Owl Light Outings-Finger Lakes Boating Museum
by D.E. Bentley and T. Touris – One of the types of Owl Light Outings we plan to do more of is visiting museums. We had just that...

Gun Laws in NYS-New, tougher regulations: Part 2
by Len Geller – In part one of this article, we examined three of the seven new gun control bills passed by the New York State...

Dragonfly Tales: There be dragons
by Steve Melcher – “Magic is seeing wonder in nature’s every little thing, seeing how wonderful the fireflies are and how...

Seeing more to see change ~ Notes from the editor
Taking a quick look is at times a nice way to view the world. The longer we look, the more we end up seeing. What we see is not...