DERRICK GENTRY – AllThings MustPass In Fond Memory of Sam Hall Is it not a maimed and imperfect Nature that I am conversant with? I...
Tag : #FLCC

New grant, tools for manufacturing training
A new source of grant funds has made it possible for FLCC to offer its certified manufacturing training program free of charge to anyone...

Holiday Concerts at FLCC
The Finger Lakes Chorale, a community chorus based at FLCC, will resume its tradition of holiday concerts on Dec. 11 and 12 at 3...

Perseverance: Studio Work During COVID
This exhibit features art by students over the last two years. It includes embellished masks, paintings, drawings and ceramics, some of...

The Homestead Gardener
The Fireplace in the Library (A Shoulder-Season Reverie) DERRICK GENTRY – In the south-facing room where I now sit typing these...