Nothing quite matches the exciting (frightening for some) sound of a swarm of bees taking to the air. I saw my first swarm when I was...
Tag : #Environment

VICTORY! DEC Denies Greenidge Generation’s Title V Permits
After a year+ of advocacy, enviros, electeds, winemakers, and more celebrate precedent-setting decision; urge Governor Hochul to sign...

Evironmental Activists: Mayor Adams is Dead Wrong on Bitcoin
Bitcoin mining is an environmental and economic threat to New Yorkers SENECA LAKE, NY (01/20/2022) (readMedia)– In response to...

EPA Denies Greenidge Generation’s Request To Keep Its Coal Ash Pond Open
Citing Significant Health and Environmental Concerns, Community Members Applaud Decision DRESDEN, NY- While there has been much in the...

Pathways to Democracy
Historical Memories and The Reinvention of American Democracy DOUG GARNAR – I ride my bike almost daily and one of my treks takes...

Senator Gillibrand Urges EPA Oversight of Greenidge’s Title V Permit Renewal Application
Powerful Letter Calls on the Environmental Protection Agency to Look Into Harmful Environmental Impacts of Greenidge Generation...

Genesee Valley 100 is More Than Just Art
It’s about people and the places we love and protect. Each artist who contributed has a different story to tell – Here are...