Many people say public speaking is one of their top fears. However, the 4-H program is using Public Presentation to develop the next...
Tag : #CCEOC

CCEOC Workshops / Trainings African Violets and Pesticide Training
Care of African Violets WorkshopWednesday January 26, 20227:00 pm to 8:30 pmCornell Cooperative Extension480 North Main...

Year-round Indoor Salad Gardening
Year-round Indoor Salad Gardening November 11, 20216:30-7:30 pmCCE Ontario County480 North Main StreetCanandaigua, NY 14424 Canandaigua,...

There is Still Time to Register for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event scheduled for September 11, 2021
Ontario County Department of Sustainability and Solid Waste Management, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County, Casella Waste...