After a year+ of advocacy, enviros, electeds, winemakers, and more celebrate precedent-setting decision; urge Governor Hochul to sign...
Tag : #bitcoin

Judge rules Greenidge Generation LLC Can Continue Constructing Buildings That Will House Expansion to 32,500 Bitcoin Mining Machines
In Article 78 case, Judge rules that Greenidge Generation LLC can continue construction on new buildings that will house their expansion...

Evironmental Activists: Mayor Adams is Dead Wrong on Bitcoin
Bitcoin mining is an environmental and economic threat to New Yorkers SENECA LAKE, NY (01/20/2022) (readMedia)– In response to...

Protesters Converge in Geneva and Albany Urging Gov. Hochul and DEC to Deny Greenidge Title V Clean Air Permit
Elected Officials, Environmental Organizations, Finger Lakes Wine Makers, Business Owners, Convened in Both Albany and Geneva to Urge...

The Climate Can’t Wait
World leaders are meeting in Glasgow where fighting climate change is a top priority. After nine days of grand pronouncements, pledges...

Senator Gillibrand Urges EPA Oversight of Greenidge’s Title V Permit Renewal Application
Powerful Letter Calls on the Environmental Protection Agency to Look Into Harmful Environmental Impacts of Greenidge Generation...

Hundreds Turn Out For Rally Urging Governor Cuomo to Deny Greenidge Air Permit
Citing Problems for the Environment, the Economy, the State’s Stance on Climate Change; Groups Urge Immediate action DEC Region 8...

Town Of Torrey Planning Board Votes To Approve Greenidge’s Buildout Of Bitcoin On Seneca Lake
Residents, Business Owners, Organizations All Shocked At Their Failure To Complete Further Studies Before Approval Dresden, NY –...