By Sam Hall Winter in the Bee Yard The winter solstice is past and for some reason it causes me to start looking forward to the coming...
Tag : #Beekeeping

Samuel M. Hall
June 4, 1934 – February 3, 2022 Canandaigua – Samuel M. Hall, age 87, passed away on February 3, 2022. He is survived by...

Bee Lines: Spring Surprises and Queen Conundrums
SAM HALL – As I’m starting to write this note, the temperature is 25 degrees with an icy wind blowing at about 15 mph from the...

Double Nucs, Bearding, and Bee Yard Tranquility
Setting up Double Nucs By Sam Hall – Over the course of the summer, I had created several nucs: some in four frame and some in...

Bee Lines-Winter in the Bee Yard
By Sam Hall When the temperature drops to about 45 degrees, honey bees will form a cluster inside the hive with the Queen at the center....

The Light Lens: The Magic Queendom
by T. Touris – Apparently the latest infectious viral meme going around the interwebs is a complaint about adults going to Disney...

Bee Lines – It’s swarm season
by Sam Hall – For honey bees swarming season is here. It is when nature tries to increase the number of colonies to insure the...

Bee Lines: Queen Rearing 101
by Sam Hall – At this time of year as a beekeeper, it is hard to contain my excitement that after our long winter spring is...