Small Town Hound
- Æsc
I procrastinated a bit this quarter with getting the writing done (yes! my editor did complain). The truth is, I was waiting for a few more outings to give me something to share. And, more importantly, some places to share. I so look forward to the warmer weather when I can hang out outside on patios and decks with my humans and walk into shops, galleries, and drinking establishments without muddying up the floor.

I did have some great winter outings with Winnie and the humans. I do love the snow and the cooler weather. I put my nose into snow drifts, eat pond-sicles, and take my toys outside—
especially the one eared blue elephant that Winnie and I both love and that has, now, disappeared (I think the humans took it, but please don’t tell them I said so).

One place we went that was new to me was Cumming Nature Center. We walked all along the trails and Winnie and I sniffed and explored. My human said I needed a picture from there, which I obligingly gave, but I was not too keen about it as you can see from the shot. The humans made up for it as they had brought my vest and duckie and we did a SAR training. I need to do more of these with different people hiding, so if you live near us and want to be found, let the humans know for sure.

I did get out to a couple of exciting inside places too. One place I visited a couple times is the Trail Otter, in Leicester, NY. I met one of the co-owners, Bill, and he took the time out to make a canine feel right at home. I love this place, as it is all about being outside hiking and camping, and who does not love that! There is a bit more exciting news about Trail Otter as well. Bill is going to be writing a regular piece for the Owl Light. His and Sonni’s store is near Letchworth State Park (which we will be spending some time at for sure) and they love to help humans get active in the great outdoors and active humans means active dogs too.

My humans do so many different things that require this, or that, to be picked up. My one human needed to trade one tank in for another (they both look the same, so I am still trying to figure out why the trade in, but I think one was empty and one was full and if it is anything like my water dish, full is great). We picked the tank up from a place called Jackson Welding Company, in Avon, NY. The man there was named Greg. Greg said that he does not want a new family dog, as they want to travel and dogs take time and energy. I so respect this. Fact: some people who get dogs don’t really have a place in their hearts or homes for them. If you are thinking of finding a dog (or other animal) to share time with, please make sure you are at a place in your life when you have the time to share.
He does love dogs and just loved me up. He knew how to scratch behind my ears just right. I sniffed all around and got a little weirded out by the face shields there. Overall it was a great visit. I waited (mostly) patiently while the humans talked.

I also did my Saturday morning errands run, which includes a recycling stop (the best part is the treats!). I also got to hang out in the parking lot of Pops Bakery and Deli in Honeoye. The aromas rising out of this relatively new establishment are fantastic. This visit I also got some lovin’ from the woman behind the counter, when she brought the to-go sandwiches out to my human.

Even during the coldest times, when the humans are hibernating, they still get us out for walks near home almost every day. Our regular loop is just about three miles and includes a good-sized hill. I have been doing some important work lately on these walks. April 22, 2022 is Earth Day. The theme for this year is “Invest In Our Planet.” Since I love getting out in nature as much as the next dog, I take this seriously. One way I have been helping lately is to clean up roadside trash while we are walking. Humans (some!) dump so much trash. I have been picking up empties and carrying them home (with permission). My humans do this too, as do many other humans who walk in our area. If everyone did this, things would stay cleaned up. Better yet…don’t throw the trash to begin with (just a thought).

Although winter has been a blast, I do love the warmer weather (not too warm). My humans do tend to go out more and take me more places when it is warmer, and I love every adventure there is to be had. I would love to come visit you, so if you are a business or organization that is dog-friendly, let my humans know and we will try to stop in and say hi. I am the Small Town Hound signing off until next time. I am looking forward to outside dining and visits to breweries and wineries, and art galleries.
Æsc is the “Small Town Hound–Finding Creative Venues and Adventures in NYS.” He lives with his two humans, his canine companion Winnie, and Cat Stevens in Canadice, NY. When not writing, his favorite pastime is finding people. He loves hearing from his fans:
• fb@SmallTownHoundNY.
Cumming Nature Center
6472 Gulick Rd, Naples
Trail Otter
134 Main Street, Leicester
Jackson Welding and Gas Products
1735 Lakeville Rd, Avon
Pop’s Bakery and Deli
8608 Main St, Honeoye
fb@pop’s bakery and deli