Small Town Hound
Human Nature and Turning One
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Some big news this month is that on July 2, 2021 I am one year old. I have decided to celebrate by asking for some support for Massasauga Search and Rescue Team (MSART), “a volunteer non-profit organization that provides skilled field and search and rescue (SAR) management personnel to assist public safety agencies in searches for lost or missing persons in wilderness, urban, and water settings.” The team uses K-9 SAR units. My human is now a team member and I am continuing my search training in the hopes of training with the team as her canine partner …super exciting stuff folks!

I do not know how to drive (and I suspect we are a way off from dog-only autonomous vehicles), so I remain dependent on the whims of my human companions. As the warmer weather of summer has settled in around us, they have been venturing out more and I have, in as many instances as possible, joined in on the adventures.
Many of my outings are with Winnie (we take almost daily walks near our Canadice home) and other canine companions. I recently took an outing with royalty, as I ventured lakeside with Harry and Phil. Their human, Mary, writes the “Monthly Read” in Owl Light News. I am not much of a reader, but if there was a book titled “Understanding Humans” I would give it a try…at least on audiobook. Humans are so complicated and confusing and have so many needs.

One thing that my human needed was new sandals for summer. The search took us to Davidson Shoes in downtown Canandaigua — a big space filled with boxes and boxes of shoes in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Like so many things human, there were way more options than anything dogs could or care to figure out. Like I said, humans are complicated creatures.

My Human knows what she likes (me!) and quickly zeroed in on just what she wanted (while I took advantage of an abundance of freely offered affection from the people who worked there and fellow customers) and we were on our way.

Another Canandaigua stop that day was Dalai Java, where we sat and talked with a couple of poets: Scott Williams and Stephen Lewandowski (poets are really complicated people). I very much enjoy this place. The folks who work there are always friendly and there are always new interesting people passing through. I love the smell of freshly roasted and brewed coffee.

A couple other trips since my last writing included visits with family north and south. A trip south included a stop at O’Malley’s Cabin on the Lake with our friend Len. I really liked this place. They brought me out a big dish of water and I just chilled while various other patrons came up and said hello. The salmon burger I shared a bit of with my human was delightful, and I loved the view of Cayuga Lake. We drove, but some of the people who stopped in came by boat.

No matter how many places I go and people I see, I want more. Mostly, we spend time closer to home, but I am anxious for some new adventures and welcome suggestion for dog-friendly venues in New York State and beyond.
• I am still looking for a larger canine friend to play with sometimes and I need people to get lost (I mean that in a nice way). Contact me if you want to talk possibilities.
Mentioned this month:
Davidson Shoes Inc.
153 S. Main Street, Canandaigua
Dalai Java
157 South Main St, Canandaigua, NY 14424
O’Malley’S Cabin on the Lake
Located on the west side of Cayuga LakeReservations at 607-532-8846