Nearly two thirds of the annual car / deer crashes in New York State occur in the months of October through December says Yates County Sheriff Ron Spike. “Drivers must be especially aware during fall months,” said Spike, “as in 2020 Yates County Deputy Sheriffs investigated 140 car-deer crashes September, October and November with the latter month having the most at 68.” For all last year, Yates County 911 received nearly 400 calls for car-deer crashes in the county, and no one highway has a monopoly on crashes, but generally State Route 14 leads numbers in 2020 for a state highway with 46, and State Route 14-A had 42. The towns of Jerusalem and Barrington tied with 52 in each township in 2020. The Bath Road and the Guyanoga Valley Rd led in 2020 for county highways.
Already in 2021 there have been 244 car-deer collisions investigated by deputies and troopers these past nine months. Just this past month of September there were 35 car-deer crashes in the county.
Deer naturally feed and move in the dawn and dusk times, and drivers need to be especially aware during these times of day. Deer also are “natural herd animals,” and if you see one go by, or in the roadway, slow down and be prepared to stop as the likelihood of others about to cross is very probable. No matter the season or time of day always use caution when in areas marked with deer crossing warning signs as those spots are frequent crossings. Always wear your seatbelt and drive at a safe and prudent speed for the conditions. If you are surprised by a deer traffic safety experts say reactive swerving, and evasive moves may result in loss of vehicle control and generally, it may be better to hit the deer than to run into an oncoming car or hit a fixed object like a tree. A struck dead deer can be first-claimed by the vehicles operator or owner.
“AAA estimates that the average claim for repair of a car that has struck a deer head-on is $3.500, but can go much higher in cost,” Sheriff Spike said “Please drive staying alert for deer, especially this fall, and buckle up for safety.”