Sen. Schumer Endorses Leslie Danks Burke for State Senate
U.S. Senator Supports Democrat’s Bid for 58th State Senate District, Says She Will Be Tireless Champion the Region Needs

WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. – U.S. Senator Charles Schumer today endorsed Democrat Leslie Danks Burke in her bid for State Senate in the 58th district.
A longtime fighter for rural healthcare, education, and working families, Danks Burke is also endorsed by the Working Families Party, the SAM Party, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), the New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN), Planned Parenthood, Eleanor’s Legacy, two regional Building & Construction Trades Councils, Tenants PAC, and more. Senator Schumer has shown a special commitment to upstate New York, visiting every county every year to better understand the needs and challenges of upstate families.
“As we face a challenging and uncertain time, it is more important than ever that the families of the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes have a true champion fighting for them in Albany,” said Sen. Schumer. “I am proud to support Leslie Danks Burke in her campaign for State Senate because I know she will work tirelessly on behalf of the working families, small businesses, and farmers of her region and win her community the real seat at the table it deserves. For years, Leslie has been a vocal and compassionate advocate for the 58th district – it’s clear we need her leadership in the state legislature.”
The Southern Tier and Finger Lakes, like the rest of the country, is suffering as the coronavirus pandemic has decimated the U.S. economy, killed 130,000 Americans, and sent unemployment soaring to its highest level since the Great Depression. While the Republican Senate majority has delayed additional action for two months, Senate Democratic Leader Schumer has maintained a relentless battle for funds to state and local governments that are struggling to cover essential services like schools without further raising taxes on middle class families. Sen. Schumer has also been a leader in the effort to support working families facing the burden of rent payments and evictions while unemployment remains sky-high.
“I am honored to have earned the support of Senator Schumer, whose strong national leadership is matched by his commitment to fighting for local families here in the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes,” said Danks Burke. “Too many politicians like my opponent have simply failed to stand up for us in this crisis, and we need new leadership now in this district. I’m ready to get to work for our region, winning much-needed investment for our bridges and roads, improving our schools, protecting workers, supporting small businesses, and fighting for healthcare for all. Senator Schumer’s support today adds to my drive to fight hard for a better New York for all.”
Leslie Danks Burke is an attorney and a longtime advocate for education, healthcare, and rural economic development. She is the daughter of farmers and a mother who, together with her husband, is raising two children in this community. A Democrat, she previously ran for State Senate in the 58th in 2016, outraising incumbent Tom O’Mara by over $200,000 and receiving more voter support from outside her party than any other challenger to a sitting incumbent that year — on either side. Since 2016, Danks Burke has remained a powerful advocate for local community engagement and honest government.