Remembering … to not forget
by William Wayne Page –
Extinction in our own time

What for me seemed a premonition, as an artist was this: In September of 2000 I had a 60 plus painting exhibit at the Wyoming Council of the Arts in Perry, New York. It was titled, “Life Between Extinctions,The Healing Powers of Art in the Great War for Civilization” A World Trade Towers painting was among my many dinosaur symbolic bone paintings. The strange feeling I had was realizing a year later when in September of 2001 our country was attacked, with nearly 3000 office workers murdered, that I had had a Life Between Extinctions exhibit a year to the month prior. It was a chilling realization made of events and circumstances, paired by irony.

While living in New York I always found the construction of buildings
a symbol of providing for humanity. I was an avid building watcher along with people.
Architecture for me reflects a sincere comprehension of our
civilization and the needs we have and those that get met through the efforts of others.
I was steeped in hope by what the World Trade towers symbolized.

Reaffirmed when I went to the observation deck to view over the Island of Manhattan.
Recovering from 9/11 will require peace worldwide. We only need to turn on
the television to see where we all are in relation to the perils facing
all of humanity. I have a medal from WWI featuring an archangel,
sword and shield in hand, with the statement of
“The Great War for Civilization” embossed on it.
For all I know and for all I have learned I wonder
just what kind of war there has to be to bring peace
and prosperity to our planet. I question this in light of all the
wars that have brought us to this point in time and the
technology we all enjoy every day.
I cast out huge prayers to
encourage the reality of war not to be waged.
The true way to peace would be for the archangels
swords and shields set aside, kneeling and planting seeds.
Not a The Great War for Civilization, but
The Great Planting for Prosperity and Peace Through Civilization.