Puppets in the Spotlight at NYS Puppet Festival

The New York State Puppet Festival (NYSPF) is a gathering of international theatre artists. Started in 2018, the festival aims to introduce audiences to the world of contemporary American puppet artistry, as well as traditional forms from which they originated, while simultaneously putting Wyoming County on the map as an arts and cultural destination, by establishing year one of what we hope to be a biennial event. Events are held at various locations in downtown Perry, NY

For more information about the New York State Puppet Festival, please visit www.newyorkstatepuppetfestival.org or nyspuppetfestival@gmail.com.
For a Festival schedule, including descriptions of performances and other festival events, visit www.newyorkstatepuppetfestival.org/schedule.html
Festival Tickets are available via The New York State Puppet Festival facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/nyspf/ – or via Eventbrite: There are a limited number of Festival Passes: Good for one admission to one performance of each of the 6 NYSPF productions ($75).
Tickets can also be purchased for individual performances.

The program is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Arts Council for Wyoming County. The Perry Main Street Association served as the fiscal sponsor for the NYSPF.