Poetry at MacFadden Coffee Company June 3rd, 6-8PM

Featuring Readings from Bart White and Jennifer Malony
Followed by an Open Mic
Featured poets Bart White and Jennifer Maloney, Editors of Moving Images: Poems Inspired by Film, and an open mic for writers and poets. If you have poems or prose based on movies, definitely bring those to share. MacFadden Coffee Company is located at 211 Main St, Dansville, NY.

Bart White is co-editor with Jennifer Maloney of MOVING IMAGES: Poetry Inspired by Film (Before Your Quiet Eyes Publications, 2021). He remembers the almost unbearable anticipation of waiting to see The Wizard of Oz once a year on TV. Later, in New York City, he went weekly to the Film Forum on the Lower East Side to watch the classics in black and white and to the Thalia on upper Broadway where the theater floor sloped upwards to the screen, an odd tilt that felt perfect for the dives of the submarine in the war drama, Das Boot—a foreign film that informs his poem for the anthology.
Active in the poetry community around Rochester, New York, Bart belongs to Just Poets and is a proud member of The Yardbirds, a small group of friends who began meeting outdoors during Covid to read and critique each other’s poems. His first chance at editing work came at Kitty Jospé’s invitation to help prepare the Just Poets’ annual anthology in 2013. Publications since then include Birdsong: poems in celebration of birds (co-edited with Eric Rounds; FootHills, 2017) and Civilization in Crisis: An anthology of poetic response (co-edited with Dwain Wilder; FootHills, 2021). He is author of The Art of Restoration, just out from Jules Poetry Playhouse, Placitas, New Mexico, and the Pushcart-nominated The Faces We Had As Children (2014, FootHills Publishing). A native of Asheville, North Carolina, Bart grew up in a family of storytellers and feels a strong affinity for narrative poetry.
Jennifer Maloney is a poet, playwright and fiction writer from Rochester, NY. She is a past President of Just Poets, Inc. Find her poetry in Panoply Zine, Ghost City Review, The Whoreticulturalist and several other literary magazines and anthologies. Her flash fiction has been published in Litro Magazine and Rundelania. Jennifer is the Co-editor of Moving Images: Poetry Inspired by Film, Before Your Quiet Eyes Publishing, April 2021.