You’re Not Sisyphus
I’m not your stone to roll back up
the hill, each time my weight
becomes too much. Next time you can’t
muscle me up, just step aside
and let me go. I’ll lie at the base
of the hill and you’ll be free.

In the Pines
She reached her hand and hauled me up
into her hammock in the pines.
The night grew cold enough to see
a halo form around the moon.
Beneath her crazy quilt, we found
a midnight sun against that freeze.
Life Game
The game goes on.
Or is it far
beyond mere play?
Day after day
we dodge each star
that falls, each con
that tries to trick
us where we live.
We spin beyond
the fetid ponds,
the flashing shivs,
but plague is quick.
©David Michael Nixon
David Michael Nixon has had four poetry chapbooks and two full-length poetry books published. Stephen Forgives the Stones: New and Selected Poems (FootHills Publishing, 2018) is his latest book. His poems have appeared in many periodicals and anthologies, including Yankee, Kayak, HazMat Review, Waterways, Home Planet News, Potato Eyes, and Le Mot Juste. He has given many poetry readings, and has performed as an a cappella singer. David lives in Rochester, New York (Hilton, New York during the pandemic).