Parenting Skills Workshop Series #101

Hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County
Tuesday evenings, August 31 – October 19, 2021, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Jim Dooley Center for Early Learning, Geneva, NY 14456
Canandaigua, NY – It takes a lot of skills to be a good parent, but there are some skills that will really make a difference in how well an adult raises their children. If you are a parent or know of a parent who is struggling to understand what works and what does not with child-rearing, there is a good opportunity coming up in Geneva starting on August 31, 2021.
Cornell Cooperative Extension is hosting a new Parenting Skills Workshop Series in the Fall of 2021. The instructors will teach participants five skills that can help parents deal more effectively with difficult parent-child situations. The skills are Encouragement, Can-Do, Choices, Self-Control, and Respecting Feelings. Participants will be able to practice their skills during the classes and reinforce the new techniques at home.
The Parenting Skills Workshop Series is designed specifically for parents with children. Childcare will be available for young children ages 6 months to age 12 years. The program will be held at Jim Dooley Center for Early Learning, Geneva, NY 14456.
This eight-session series is scheduled for Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 pm starting on August 31st and continuing September 7, 14, 21, 28 and October 5, 12 and concluding on October 19th with a recognition dinner. This program is free and offered foremost to Ontario County parents working with the Ontario County Department of Social Services, Child Protective, or Probation Departments and family court lawyers. Other Ontario County resident registrations will be accepted, if space permits.
For complete registration information call 585-394-3977 x 429 or ask a social work representative or probation officer for a registration form.
Space is limited and pre-registration is required by August 24, 2021.
Cornell Cooperative Extension is a non-profit educational organization with a mission to extend new knowledge and research-based information from Cornell University to county residents. County residents with concerns or questions related to agriculture, horticulture, water quality, youth development, parenting or family financial management can call 585-394-3977 any time or visit our website at
“Cornell Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.”