OwlLight Eclipse
Life is about trying new things and sharing those adventures with others. I started Owl Light and Canadice Press in 2017 and published our print magazine for five years. I LOVE print and prefer reading from formats that I can pick up, set aside, and pick up again and again. I knew that was also true for so many others.

People who know me joke about my desire to not engage with contemporary technologies. I love technology, but so much of what we now call progress takes up mental time and disconnects us from each other and the things that matter. I often read the news in the morning (on my phone!) and will hit a couple mainstream sites first (BIG news) then a few local sites, to get a feel for what is happening, out there. It is so important to know what is going on around the world and closer to home. Being able to share some of that news with others is so, so important. It was great to be a part of that adventure – sharing locally.
Ultimately, most of our lives operate in smaller spheres defined by our family and friends, by our values and interests. I loved being able to promote local arts, environmental issues, and social justice initiatives (everything I do is creative and intertwined with the natural world, and if we don’t respect people – ALL people – how can we respect the other flora and fauna that populate and try to survive amongst us?).
When print became too onerous, I tried the online only publishing thing, by continuing to maintain and post on here. Honestly, I do not have the interest or spirit to carry it on (Note my lack of recent postings) and believe that if we are not giving something our all then we should give it up.
I guess with that line you see where this is going. I LOVE print and sharing print with others was a privilege well worth the time and resources. I do not enjoy sitting in front of and interacting with computers and will soon be trading in my multiple screens and under desk computer for a new laptop dedicated to writing.

It occurred to me as I sat down here to write this message – a message I have been thinking of writing for weeks – that today is a lunar eclipse. I will be out there later this evening, watching as the moon rises. Watching as the earth casts a shadow across its moon. Watching as the owllight returns. Listening as a hilltop owl calls out, rejoicing in the glow. It is easier now than in the days of old to enjoy these celestial treats, knowing as we now do that the shadows will soon pass. Still, it seems a fitting time to let our readers know that this site will be undergoing some transition as we redefine new directions with, perhaps, new leadership.
As an end note, I am returning to an exploration of puppetry and children’s story writing and illustrating, earlier passions that I had little time to explore as work-a-day life (as an educator) and parenthood dominated. I will also be spending time with the honey bees. As this site and Canadice Press fades, followers can find me on on Instagram and fb as D.E. Bentley and the editor@canadicepress.com email will stay active for a bit, if you are a past contributor or reader who wants to stay in touch, let me know and we can connect in other ways.

For local folks, you can also see me as I step out with Fiddlehead and other puppets or at various local arts events, including tomorrow night at Little Lakes Community Center for a reading and at an art opening on September 20 at Genesee Valley Council on the Arts, where T. Touris (of Light Lens fame) and I are part of a group show.
D.E. Bentley