Owl Outings ~ A wee bit of Irish Dance at OSB

Heading out often means finding pleasant surprises: a bit of the unexpected sprinkled about like fairy dust. Such was the case when we headed out to OSB – that’s Old Stump Blowers – Cider works – on May 19th. Having an opportunity to sample OSB’s expanding and expansive cider selection was one of our reasons for this Owl Outing, along with a chance to listen to Ben Haravitch doing what he most enjoys – making music. It was a lovely evening, and crowds were gathered outside and in at this Lakeville destination. We settled at an outside table with a flight of cider. OSB likes to experiment with different cider flavors and this is great for anyone who loves or is learning to love this historic New York State beverage. It’s not your grandparents’ cider here, but a celebration of Finger Lakes brewing revival at its best.
We tasted six different ciders. There was the Semi-Sweet Little Lakes (6.9% ABV) – a crisp apple tasting summer drink for the traditional cider enthusiast. For those who like a dryer, harder cider, with a touch of wine country, there is OSB’s The Original – aged in Black Button Whiskey barrels and carrying an 11% ABV kick. Did I say experimentation? That’s where the other four ciders get mentioned. Mind you, this is an abundance of experimentation until the formula has been worked out and the flavors jump around on your tongue. As a beekeeper, I was impressed with the amount of honey flavor that came through with Honey…ChamYou Dig It, a locally harvested combination of honey from the bees, chamomile and, of course, apples. Grape Lakes (5.7% ABV) is a lighter and more grape flavored concord and apple mix. Mama Said Hop You Out (6.9% ABV) uses Centennial and Nugget Hops, two of the varieties I have grown and used in mead making, which adds a slight hops bitterness mellowed by the sweetness of apples. For the maple syrup lover – who doesn’t like maple syrup, anyone – is Sap It To Ya! (6.2% ABV) with, you guessed it, a noticeable and happy maple flavor mixed with that apple cider tang. All this is local, local, local, as good brew is in New York State thanks to excellent locally-focused state level decision making and action that keeps the good things in the Finger Lakes and rejects things that do not benefit our tourism industry (Thanks Cuomo for bringing us more good new brews).

We expected to find good music, good cider and a good scene along with some familiar faces in Lakeville on the 19th. We sipped away on our flight of fancy while moving gently to the good tunes. Then, there was that magic fairy dust touch that just happens sometimes to make a good time even better. Looking up, I caught sight of a young Alexis Mason, a sometimes Lakeville resident, conversing with Ben about the music. It seemed she wanted a wee bit of Irish music so she could do a little Irish dancing while out and about with “Uncle” Mike. So, while sitting there enjoying the cider, tunes, delightful weather and company of good people, we also got to witness some Irish Dancing. Alexis trained with championship Irish Dancer Katie Jamieson, who teaches Irish dance, with a staff of other dance professionals, at locations in Webster and Henrietta, NY. Jamieson Irish Dance & Creative Arts is a certified Irish Dance School under The Governing body, An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha, in Dublin, Ireland and Alexis was happy and proud to be a student and dancer with this school – which opened in 2016.
Visit http://www.jamiesondance.org for more information and opportunities to dance. Better yet, join the school for their End of the Year Showcase 2018 Sunday June 10th from 6-8pm at Three Heads Brewing (186 Atlantic Ave, Rochester, New York)!!