Owl Light News Subscription-only as of July
If Owl Light News could be defined in a single word, that word would be change. We have been evolving from our first issue, published in April 2017. Change has transformed all of our lives in the past few months. Just venturing out the door is more of a chore. Before isolation due to Covid-19 became essential, and essential took on an eerie new meaning—with millions of Americans suddenly out of work—newspapers everywhere were already questioning the feasibility of print. Digital technology will now grow even more, as will the role of workplace automation. I don’t believe that we will be taken over by the machines, but I do believe that the new normal will have us all looking at our (perhaps-smarter-than-us) machines more often. I also believe that how people use their time and who is, or is not, essential will shift, as more workplaces look to automation and remote work to safeguard productivity against human vulnerability.
Like so many small businesses, we have used this time in history to reevaluate where we are, and where we want to be. When it comes to Owl Light News, our readers—and the writers we publish, as well as other contributors—are central to that decision -making process. Many newspapers, including local print newspapers, responded to recent isolation by stopping print publication. Some have shut down altogether. Canadice Press has continued to print and distribute copies of Owl Light News to many community locations, but getting Owl Light News to our readers has been challenging. With so many businesses closed, we have fewer distribution locations and people are (wisely) venturing out less frequently.
Free distribution papers are no longer able to ignore what we have known for a long time: that a reader-supported model is more feasible than an advertiser-supported model. It is especially important to explore this during these somewhat dark times. Businesses that might have relied on print advertising—and supported print media—in the past are needing to focus more than ever on the bottom line.
Nonetheless, Owl Light readers have continued to read. Many are adapting to the social and cultural pandemic-related shift by requesting Owl Light News mailed subscriptions: for themselves, their friends, and their family members. (Thank you to everyone who has recently subscribed, and to our ongoing subscribers—some of whom have been with us from the beginning). More people are also reading online at OwlLightNews.com.
We believe in print, and love being able to offer Owl Light News as a print (and online) publication. That will not change! Owl Light News will continue as a print monthly; hopefully, for many years to come. We had initially hoped (like so many) that the new normal would be much like the old normal. Alas, this is not to be. As mentioned previously, change is a word that defines Owl Light News.
There will be some changes.
Given the recent increase in subscriptions—and the ongoing challenges of community free distribution—we will go to a subscription-only print (and online) distribution starting with the July issue of Owl Light News. Owl Light News will also be available for sale at select retail locations across the Finger Lakes (with a gradual expansion of locations). We will be expanding our online (paywall-free) news site to include more regular updates and stories relevant to New York State’s rural regions and lifestyles. This community-submitted and community-focused content will include press releases, original and expanded stories and articles, and community information. Our online site will also include select local advertising, but will remain free of intrusive pop ups. Our calendar will move online-only permanently. Community members are welcome to add and explore posted events anytime.
These changes allow us to deliver our print Owl Light News directly to our readers, our customers, without myself—and the many other people who assisted with delivery—venturing out in these (and future) uncertain times. It also lessens our carbon footprint, something that is important to us.

One thing that will remain the same is our commitment to quality writing and engaging local news stories. All sixteen of our regular monthly contributors have expressed an interest in continuing to contribute, and new submissions continue to come in. Our readers value Owl Light News as a place where diverse voices can be shared, where they can share and interact with others about the things that matter most: friendship, family, leisure, creative expression and thought, literary musings, meaningful occupation, protecting and appreciating our remaining natural areas, preserving the livelihood of our smaller rural communities, and defining and preserving a global future for all of us.
As we move away from multi-site free community distribution, we would like to thank the many retail locations that are supportive of local press and have offered up their counters and racks for free distribution of Owl Light News—and other regional publications. Please let us know if you would like to be a retail location for Owl Light News.
Thank you, also, to our advertisers, for your ongoing support—we appreciate the trust you have placed in us. Print continues to be one of the most direct and affordable ways to advertise your great local services and products. Owl Light News is a paper meant to be read, so your advertisement is seen. Readers, please support these businesses who support small press.
Thank you to the many regular and new contributors who share their voices and expertise. It is a delight to read your insights in each and every new issue. Thank you also to those who work behind the scenes, including the many people who have assisted with delivery, offered IT and design support and editing. You are the Owl Light.
Thank you to our readers, for valuing our work and continuing to offer feedback about what you want from an alternative local media source. Let us be your sounding board as we collectively explore diverse perspectives; as we seek common ground and evolve to adapt to an ever-changing world.
Please read and enjoy this issue of Owl Light News. We look forward to an exciting new issue in July and hope many more will join in that journey.
Thank you also to the print staff at the Canandaigua Messenger Post. Printing at the Buffalo Street facility will cease mid-June, and those who helped put out our paper (and many other local papers), who, in essence, brought Owl Light to life these past three years, will no longer be employed. Best wishes to all as you venture out and find new opportunities in these uncertain times.
Due to the change in our print location, our July issue will have a slightly different format and look. It will include all of our current contributors, including our new “Owl Light Puzzle,” created by Canandaigua resident George Urich. This addition offers us one more way to enjoy the quiet owllight moments, as our days begin and end in and around these beautiful Finger Lakes.
Support local, small press; subscribe to Owl Light News—
Where Inspiration & Inquiry Converge.
The Finer Print:
Subscribers: Our $5 off Covid-19 discount for new subscribers will remain in effect for all subscription orders received before June 20, 2020. If you are a new subscriber, your first year of mailed Owl Light News will be just $20. Renewal invoices will be emailed annually. Beginning with the July issue, all new subscriptions (as well as renewals) will be at the regular annual rate (currently $25 for twelve regular issues).
Advertisers: Our rates will remain the same through 2020. Ad sizes will change slightly, due to a change in our print facility and formatting, beginning with the July issue. Please check online—www.owllightnews.com/owl-advertising/ to see our rates and other relevant information before designing/placing a new ad; or let us design an ad for you. Beginning in July, and for the remainder of the year, all paid print ads will also be posted on our web site. Although subscription choice guarantees that your ad is seen in print by readers who read, we want to provide you the best exposure possible as we build our print and online subscription base. Moving forward, we will offer print and online separately.
Readers: Share your stories, ideas, thoughts, opinions and creative lines with us. Like us on Facebook and Instagram. Most of all, enjoy, learn, and share what our many contributors have to offer. Thank them for their time, energy, and words by letting them and us know that their voices are heard.
How can I find out more?
To learn and read more, go to OwlLightNews.com. Follow the links at the top of the page to go where you need to go. Follow and like our small press on Facebook@CanadicePress and Instagram@CanadicePress. We will provide information there about Owl Light News, Owl Light Literary: Turning Points, our life in Canadice, and future projects.
How do I subscribe?
Go to www.owllightnews.com/subscribe/ and fill in the form. Within a day or so, you will receive an invoice by email (payable online or by check).
Renewal invoices will be emailed/mailed annually. Or fill out the form on page 3.
What if I have additional questions?
Email me anytime at: Editor@CanadicePress.com, or leave a detailed message at 585-358-1065 and we will return your call. Email works best for us.