Owl Light Literary 2020 Submissions Open April 1!
Canadice Press will be accepting literary submissions for “Owl Light Literary 2020” beginning 12:01am, April 1, 2020 through 12:01am, June 2, 2020 (Midnight:01 June 1).
The theme for Owl Light Literary 2020 is Turning Points (to be interpreted in whatever ways you wish). We are looking for submissions that take us new and exciting places. See guidelines below.

Guidelines: There is no submission fee. All entries must be received by 12:01am June 2, 2020. All written entries (fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, hybrid) should total 2020 words or less (titles exempted from count) and be in Times or a similar font (12pt), double-spaced, in doc. or docx. Submissions may include 1 to 3 entries (in a single document) collectively totaling no more than 2020 words.
Submission pages should be free of all identifying information, as all entries will be reviewed blindly. The final page should include ONLY: Titles (and description, if applicable) name of author, mailing address, e-mail address, phone, and short (50 words or less) bio.
Submit entries and information/bio page as a single attached document via e-mail to Editor@CanadicePress.com with “Turning Points Submission” in the subject line.
All work submitted must be the original work of the writer, of course.
*Questions? Editor@CanadicePress.com or 585-358-1065.
Chosen entries will be published in a standalone journal “Owl Light Literary 2020” featuring a guest artist (Cartoonist Sally Gardner). All entrants will be notified prior to publication. Chosen writers will be invited to a public (or virtual) reading(s) to celebrate the release. Authors included will also receive a free copy of the printed publication (additional copies will be available for advance order, and through numerous online and physical retailers). Although we will consider previously published work, we prefer that work submitted be unpublished. All future publication rights are retained by the authors. Final decisions will be made by a Guest Judge(s)-TBD-and the editor. All decisions are final.
2 thoughts on “Owl Light Literary 2020 Submissions Open April 1!”
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Hi Darlene,
Thank you for letting me know this. I will give it another shot and enter!
Hope All is well with you and your family
Best Regards,
Nancy Quinones
Great to hear Nancy. It will be a separate publication…which is exciting…