Ontario County 4-H Spark Club: Something for Everyone

Do you want your youth to learn life skills, build friendships, and grow in confidence? If so, 4-H might be a great fit for your family. Throughout the year, 4-H provides opportunities for learning and growth in a variety of project areas. One example of 4-H opportunities is our monthly “spark” workshops.
Each month, we hold a workshop exploring a new topic. This is a perfect opportunity for youth to try out new things and “spark” their interest in a variety of topics. This month, we learned about basic sewing skills. 4-H volunteer Cyndy Harnett led youth in a fun activity where they made their own stuffed snakes while learning about different sewing stiches. Youth enjoyed getting to personalize their snake and use their creativity to choose size, color, and decorative details.
Next month on February 9th at 6pm, we will be holding a workshop learning all about wildlife. If your child would be interested in joining for a night of fun and learning, please reach out to 4-H educator, Sarah Wilhelm. If you have considered 4-H in the past, this would be a great chance to try it out!
Ontario County 4-H is offering several in-person and hybrid learning opportunities for youth ages 5-18. Our 2021-2022 4-H year began on October 1st. If you are interested in enrolling as a member or volunteer or if you have questions about our program, please reach out to Sarah Wilhelm at sab423@cornell.edu or call 585-394-3977.
Cornell Cooperative Extension is a non-profit educational organization with a mission to extend new knowledge and research-based information in agriculture, family and consumers sciences from Cornell University to county residents. County residents with concerns or questions related to agriculture, horticulture, water quality, 4-H youth development, parenting or family financial management can call 585-394-3977 any time or visit our website at www.cceontario.org.
“Cornell Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.”