Once Upon A Mattress at HCSD

Prince Dauntless, the son of a dominating Queen Aggravain and a mute King Sextimus is looking for a bride who can pass his mother’s test. Since the marriage law in the small kingdom states that “no one may wed until Dauntless shares his marriage bed,” there is considerable support for a successful bridal candidate. Sir Harry offers to embark on a search for a princess when he meets Princess Winnifred. The queen is appalled by Princess Winnifred’s behavior, but after Dauntless pleads with her she agrees to test the Princess’ sensitivity by placing a pea under a 20 soft downy mattress.
The HCS production of Once Upon A Mattress* is directed by Jen Gundy with musical direction by Cori Adams. Other collaborators include Christina Stephens
(Assistant Director), Grace Wood (Conductor), Joanna Willistein (Accompanist), Bernie VanEpps, (Choreographer) and Kim Checho (Costuming). The production, which was made possible throrugh the generous support of HCSD and the Honeoye community, will be showing November 17-19th at HCS. Tickets are $6 for students and seniors and $8 for adults. * A Rodgers and Hammerstein Production