On a journey for fulfillment
by Rebecca Leclair –
Registered nurse turns to hypnosis after tragedy – opens center to heal others –

One A-Mae-Zing client I spoke with shared that he wasn’t expecting to meet a hypnotist the day he went to pick up his
dry cleaning. “I came across her by accident, but I am convinced the universe brought me to Mae.”
“Bob” (not his real name – by request) had driven down the wrong street, and the only way to get to the dry cleaner was to go past the A-Mae-Zing Mind Body Soul Center. “I noticed the sign and something told me to pull over and go inside. The first person I saw was Mae.”
Bob is a 48-year-old investment advisor from Canandaigua who is familiar with hypnotism. “I’ve been on a path of self-development for many years. I’ve read a lot of books and listened to podcasts. To me, hypnosis is the way to tap into a deeper part of yourself to get connected.”
After talking to the woman he met inside, he knew she was the right person to get him to a “higher place”. She was very welcoming. “ I felt completely comfortable with Mae and I had just met her.”
Mae Fox is a registered nurse and certified hypnotist who recently relocated her center to 142 Mill Street in Canandaigua. She offers Reiki/Chakra healing as well as group and private hypnosis sessions. “The mind is a person’s most powerful tool.
Hypnosis helps to create space so a person can expand their mind and heal,“ says Fox.
Bob signed up for several hypnosis sessions hoping to achieve some specific goals. He wanted to improve his finances, build his business and increase sales. He also wanted to lose some weight and become more grateful. “I had distinct professional and personal goals and I wanted to see tangible results.” He believes if you put focused energy on what you want, you can manifest it. “Not just for reaching a certain weight–you can use the same kind of approach to be more thoughtful or considerate. With hypnosis, it’s like muscle memory. You just do it.”
He noticed immediate improvement. After the second session, he realized he had become more efficient at work and was bringing in more money. He was getting in front of more potential clients and people were calling him for services. He reports getting close to 100% improvement in sales.
“It was very obvious that all of this happened in the measurable time since I started hypnosis with Mae. When I came in for my third session, I gave her a hug and said, ‘Mae, you’ve really helped me.”
As he continued with hypnosis, Bob decided to focus on his personal relationships and it wasn’t long before he and his wife started planning a major trip. “We haven’t been on a big vacation in years. My wife noticed a difference in me and started inquiring about hypnosis for herself.” He encouraged her to go. “Mae is like tapping into a specialist and hypnosis is the therapy you need to move in the right direction.”

Mae Fox began her own journey with hypnosis out of grief. Her twin sister, Jean, died tragically when they were 17 years old. Fox says she spent the next ten years enduring nightmares and creating habits to numb her pain. She finally reached out for help and a counselor introduced her to an energy healer. “This connection was life changing. I started my own self-healing and eventually I could begin to work and support others on their journey of healing,” says Fox.
She opened her first healing center in Canandaigua in the fall of 2016. She had already dedicated herself to learning different methods of healing including Hands of Light, Intuitive Healing, Sound Healing, Color Therapy and Affirmations. She also had 15 years of medical experience. As a registered nurse she had witnessed how positive thinking helped hospital patients recover more quickly. “Once I started doing hypnosis, I was still able to apply my scientific knowledge but also guide my clients into a healthier way of thinking, behaving, believing and feeling,” says Fox.
Fox has continued her training and she now offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and a system she created which she calls Heart Healing Hypnosis. These extended sessions include in-depth introspection to help the person focus on emotional healing, improved life-satisfaction and increased spiritual awareness.
QHHT uses techniques and past-life regression to address a person’s questions, concerns and health issues in this life. Hypnosis opens the door. “My clients go to future lives, lives lived on other planets, parallel lives, where they experience healing through frequency of light and sound, connecting to their higher self,” says Fox.
Kym Brebeau of Williamson says a friend recommended she go to the center and see Mae. Brebeau is personally certified in Qigong, Reiki and Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) but wanted to focus on something else for personal improvement. “I believe that different modalities work on different people. After talking with Mae, I knew she was the next teacher in my life to show me the next step in my journey,” says Brebeau.
However, the 51-year old systems analyst still had doubts. She signed up to begin Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique in April, but wasn’t sure if Mae would be able to hypnotize her. In fact, she recalls being at a comedy club and a hypnotist on stage told her she was not a good candidate for hypnosis. Yet, when she tried QHHT with Mae, she felt a connection. “It was magical. I was lying down on the table with my eyes closed. I could feel and hear what Mae was saying to me, but it was like the voice was coming from somewhere else. I was floating through clouds of vibrant color. I’ve never felt or seen anything like that,” says Brebeau.
Fox equates what she does as the process of creation. “I take time talking to the client first. I learn what is important to them. I find out what’s holding them back from becoming the person they want to be. The client and I build a plan,” says Fox.
Brebeau had explained to Fox that she needed help trusting her gut. During her session, Brebeau visualized a child hiding behind a stairwell who was scared to express herself. At some point, she realized this was a deep-rooted fear from her childhood.
“It’s hard to trust people. You get vulnerable giving your trust to someone. Mae intuitively encouraged me to visualize trust as something beautiful and she suggested thinking of it as an emerald.”
Soon after that suggestion, Brebeau found herself focusing on a green light. She feels it was her mother approaching her to give her support and take away her fears. “My Mom passed away 1 ½ years ago. Mae had no idea, but my mother’s birthstone is an emerald. I am convinced the green light coming to me was my mother’s spirit.”
Brebeau had three subsequent sessions and believes Mae helped her overcome her fears. She had been thinking about starting a motivational sign and t-shirt business but just couldn’t get going. “Self-doubt was holding me back and I was ready to give up. After going through this process with Mae, I felt a shift. I felt the release—up my body and out of my mouth. When I left, I knew I could take on the challenge. I was saying to myself, ‘I got this.’ and I was ready to begin a new venture,” says Brebeau.
Fox hopes the more people understand about hypnosis, the more they will want to access it. “I created A-Mae-Zing Mind Body Soul Center to offer our community the opportunity to experience true holistic healing.” She has expanded to a bigger location on Mill Street and there is more space for classes and workshops. Fox regularly brings in experts to speak on topics that include meditation, CBD oil, chakras, crystals, and spirit messages.
She was recently certified to teach Hypnobirthing classes to pregnant women and has joined with other practitioners to offer yoga, massage, and acupuncture. “My background and experience allow for a greater understanding of how to use our energy. I find such value in the power of our thoughts to create a happier life. I love working with people to shift their perspective,” says Fox.
A-Mae-Zing Mind Body Soul Center offerings include Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT), hypnosis, massage, yoga, Reiki, spiritual coaching, hypnobirthing classes and educational workshops. The center is located in the heart of the Finger Lakes at 142 Mill Street, Canandaigua, New York. For more information visit online at: www.a-mae-zing.com/

Rebecca Leclair is a communications professional with 30 years of broadcast journalism experience. She spent more than two decades as the morning news anchor at WHEC-TV and made sure Rochesterians woke up each day informed and ready to take on the day with a smile. She has been recognized by the Associated Press for her in-depth reporting on education, children’s safety, and medical problems. Rebecca’s forte is telling the personal side of every story and the impact each person can have on the community. She is dedicated to many non-profit organizations and by emceeing numerous fund-raising events, she has helped bring in millions of dollars for charities such as Muscular Dystrophy Association, Catholic Family Center, and Cancer Wellness Connections. Rebecca is a native of Livingston County and is an inductee to the Geneseo Central School Hall of Fame. She has received the First Mate Award from the Pirate Toy Fund, and was recently given the Women of Distinction Award by the Girl Scouts of Western New York. Yet, she is most proud of her four children and the man she married.