Noyes to change visiting guidelines as of 1-3-2021

Due to rising COVID numbers, Noyes Health will be restricting visitors effective Friday, Dec. 3, 2021.
· Emergency Department: One visitor will be allowed per patient, unless the patient presents with COVID symptoms
· Med/Surg.: One visitor will be allowed per day. Visiting hours are 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Only two visitors total will be allowed for the duration of the patient’s stay.
· OB: One support person and one visitor will be allowed during delivery. One support person will be allowed for the duration of the patient’s stay. One additional visitor will be allowed for up to four hours each day.
· Medical Imaging: One visitor per patient
· Physical Therapy: One visitor per patient
· Surgery (Dansville): Drop patient off and a support person will be called at discharge. Waiting rooms for surgical patients are closed at this time.
· Surgery (Geneseo): 1 patient visitor allowed in during pre-op and post-op phases of care. Visitor must wait in the car while patient is in surgery.
· Urgent Care: One visitor will be allowed per patient, unless the patient presents with COVID symptoms
· Physician Practices: One accompanying person per patient
· Mental Health and Wellness: One visitor per patient
In all cases, exceptions will be made for end-of-life, pediatric, or patients with development disabilities, etc., at the discretion of Noyes staff.