The Livingston County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Announce the 10-year anniversary celebration of the Not Dot Shop

Geneseo, NY – The Livingston County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism
will be at 127 Main Street on Monday, October 5th to celebrate the Not Dot
Shop’s 10-year anniversary!
Since its inception in 2010 the Not Dot Shop has been a must stop shop at the end of Geneseo’s Main Street. The name, which means, no one thing does one thing, typifies the store’s philosophy. Grown from a desire to reuse, repurpose and recycle the store offers a variety of items from pop can top bracelets to valuable antiques. As a co-op store, many members throughout the years have brought and continue to bring with them a unique vision allowing for the store to offer an enormous array of items for every person and personality. Each member is an owner and takes pride in their space and the store while offering a tremendously good price for higher-end home furnishings and personally made items such as jewelry, scarves, wine charms and even sweet treats.
Located at 127 Main Street in Geneseo, the anniversary celebration kicks off at 5:30pm with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony followed by markdowns throughout the store for the entire month of October and the chance to win a $10 gift certificate to celebrate 10 years! To learn more about Not Dot Shop, we encourage you to follow them on Facebook and check them
The Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce is the largest business focused organization in the county providing a voice for businesses as they work to create a vibrant and sustainable business
environment by fulfilling their mission of fostering business development and providing opportunities for their members to grow. Interested in becoming a member? Please contact the Chamber at (585)
243-2222 or join online at