Naples Historical Society presents…
Naples and the Civil War

150 years ago, in 1872, Naples Memorial Town Hall was built to honor more than 200 Neapolitans who fought in the Civil War. It is one of only two buildings in New York State erected as a memorial to those who served in the Civil War (other towns erected statues or monuments). It is one of three buildings in Naples listed on the National Register of Historic Places. To celebrate this important anniversary, the Naples Historical Society is planning activities throughout the year related to the Civil War.
Mark your calendars:
Civil War program series
June 4th 1:00 p.m.
“Civil War Medals, Monuments, and Markers in Ontario County”
Program presented by Preston Pierce, Ontario County Historian
@ Morgan Hose Building, 22 Mill Street, Naples
Thursday, July 14th 7:00 p.m.
Finger Lakes Community Band Concert
Concert will include patriotic favorites! Bring your lawn chairs for this special concert celebrating the 150th anniversary of Memorial Town Hall. This event is sponsored by the Town of Naples.
@ the grounds of Memorial Town Hall, 135 N. Main Street, Naples
July 17th 1:00 p.m.
“The Small Flag at the Bottom of the Trunk”
The story of a Confederate flag taken as a war trophy by Ira Nelson Deyo. Presented by NHS member Michael Nighan, Great Grandson of a Naples Union Soldier.
@ Morgan Hose Building, 22 Mill Street, Naples
August 14th 1:00 p.m.
“Naples Memorial Town Hall – 150 years of history”
Program presented by John Murphy, Naples Town Historian. Bring lawn chairs & questions.
@ the grounds of Memorial Town Hall, 135 N. Main Street, Naples
(rain location: Morgan Hose Building, 22 Mill Street, Naples)
Saturdays during July & August 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
“The Underground Railroad”
Display features Naples furniture maker and undertaker William “Billy” Marks and his wife Emily, their involvement in the Underground Railroad, and the time they invited and hosted renowned abolitionist Frederick Douglass to come speak in Naples.
@ Cleveland House Museum, corner of Rt. 245 & Main St., Naples
At various times this summer a framed roster of Naples Soldiers and their fates (detail shown in photo above) will be on display and bulletin boards will feature Memorial Town Hall and Civil War ephemera.
@Caruso’s Cafe, 110 South Main St., Naples
To learn more, visit Naples Historical Society