Meet a NASA Engineer and Try Out Computer Coding!
Virtual STEM Experience Open to All Area Youth and Families

Ontario County 4-H is excited to announce that we are hosting cool STEM opportunity to be held virtually using the Zoom platform on January 20th at 7:00pm. In this Zoom class, you will get to meet Timothy Canham, Senior Software Engineer at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. His most recent project is the Perseverance Mars Rover that was launched July 30th, 2020 and is scheduled to land on Mars on February 18th. He will be talking about the rover and also answering YOUR questions live on this Zoom class. After talking with Tim Canham from NASA, Rebekah Bagley, engineer at Collins Aerospace, will be leading us in an activity where we will use computer coding to make our own Mars Rover move according to our commands us Scratch.
Both Bagley and Canham are Finger Lakes natives and are excited to work with local youth to spark interest in STEM. This event is a great opportunity for youth to learn more about space exploration that is taking place right now as NASA explores the planet of Mars, will introduce youth to free educational tools that will allow them to learn about computer programming, and concludes with more information about how youth can continue to grow and explore in this project area.
These activities are ideal for youth ages 8-14, but the whole family is welcome to participate together! This specific opportunity is open to both 4-H and non 4-H youth. Please email Sarah Wilhelm at to register your family for this event.