Join NIF Forums and a Webinar During National Week of Conversation

The National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI), one of the hosting partners for the National Week of Conversation, is presenting a webinar, and a series of online forums (see the schedule below) to help people hold deliberative conversations about the important issue of voting.
Join a Forum
How can we encourage and safeguard voting?
Click here for registration links on the NIF website calendar of events.
Mon., June 14, 7pm – 9pm ET
Online forum on voting
Platform: Common Ground for Action (CGA) + Zoom
Register Here
Tues, June 15, 4pm – 5:30pm ET
Online forum on voting
Platform: Zoom
Wed., June 16, 7pm – 9pm ET
Online forum on voting
Platform: Common Ground for Action (CGA)
Fri., June 18, 2pm – 3:30pm ET
Online forum on voting
Platform: Zoom
Sat., June 19, 12pm – 2:00pm ET
Online forum on voting
Platform: Common Ground for Action (CGA)
Join a webinar
Convening and moderating forums on voting
June 17, 1-2 p.m. ET
Please join us for a special webinar, “Convening and moderating forums on voting,” on Thursday, June 17th from 1-2 p.m. ET.
Join us to learn about organizing and leading an impactful discussion as part of the National Issues Forums initiative on what might be done to both encourage and safeguard voting. You will learn about the nonpartisan, public framework for in-person and online deliberative discussions as well as a range of complimentary discussion materials to support your work.
Thursday, June 17, 1pm – 2pm ET
You may also want to learn more about the June 12-13 America Talks event that will kick off the National Week of Conversation.
Please share this information with others in your networks.
About Deliberation in National Issues Forums
National Issues Forums issue guides are designed to stimulate public deliberation, which is a way of making decisions together that is different from discussion or debate. The purpose of deliberative forums is to inform collective action. As citizens, we have to make decisions together before we can act together, whether with other citizens or through legislative bodies. Acting together is essential for addressing problems that can’t be solved by one group of people or one institution. These problems have more than one cause and therefore have to be met by a number of mutually reinforcing initiatives with broad public participation.
About the National Issues Forums Institute
The National Issues Forums Institute’s mission is to promote the use of public deliberation in schools, colleges, civic organizations, and religious institutions in the United States. The institute’s members are volunteers drawn from leaders in government, colleges and universities, libraries, civic organizations, the media, and medicine. For more information visit