In Search of a Rock
This photo of my Dad, Stuart Pierce, was taken some time in the 1930’s very likely somewhere in Naples, NY. I would like to locate this large rock to pose for a picture…kind of a then and now photo.

I would like to offer a $100 “prize” donation to Hospeace House in the name of the first person who can lead me to the rock and take my photo!
Stuart came to Naples to live with his grandparents Warren
and Esther Pierce during the Great Depression when his father lost his job. The original Pierce Farm was on Gulick Road near the corner of Clement Road. The house, now green, is still there. It was in the family for three generations. They had a cow pasture, so the photo might have been taken around there. He is leaning on a gun, which leads me to believe that it was near the farm. He never spoke about firearms, particularly after his WWII service, except to say that he was not comfortable using one.
2 thoughts on “In Search of a Rock”
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Hi! I think you’re talking about my house! Shoot me an email and I can’t put you in touch with my mom who still lives there.
That is so cool. And I wish I knew.