Honeoye Scarecrow Stroll
On October 31!

Bring the whole family and stroll the length of Honeoye’s Main Street to see a wide variety of scarecrows created by local businesses, organizations, and residents. Vote for your favorite scarecrow, listen to some live music, make some crafts, and discover other surprises along the way!
Schedule of events:
10AM-5PM SCARECROW STROLL: Pick up a ballot at Papa Joe’s Pizza, Birdhouse Brewing Co., or The Fuzzy Bunny and stroll along Main Street to view the scarecrows. Return ballots to the same locations and be entered into a drawing for prizes from local businesses.
10AM-5PM Craftoberfest at The Fuzzy Bunny: Local fiber and craft vendors, free pumpkin painting and recycled craft table (make your own trick or treating bucket!), Culinary Conundrums food truck, and bake sale.
1PM-3PM Live music at the town gazebo: Spencer Samolis
3PM-4PM Storytime at the town gazebo: Allen’s Hill Free Library
4PM-6PM Live music at the town gazebo: Keith Rotach
5PM Trick or Treating at the Richmond Firehouse begins!