Honeoye MS & HS Livestream Play!
Our Place
– A One Act Play by Terry Gabbard

Sitting – Julianna Braun, Lucy Lombardo, Cypress Rohrbach
Who: Honeoye Central School District
Featuring student director–Heather Brown (10) – and eleven Student Actors (grades 6-12): Tori Armstrong (12), Mollie Asquino (9), Julianna Braun (6) , Lucia Fugate (12), Avery Hohn (9), Lucy Lombardo (6), Cypress Rohrbach, Haydnn Schultz (10), Summer Sherman (10), Natalie Tompkins (11), Emily Zweig (11)

Director: Kaitlin Fisher
When: May 7th and 8th @ 7pm
Where: LIVESTREAM – Visit Honeoye Website for ticket info.
What: Our Place A One Act Play by Terry Gabbard

Synopsis: The play is composed of five scenes and an epilogue, all of which take place on a dock. Each group of characters that comes to the dock claims it as “our place” for a variety of reasons. The play concludes with all characters returning to the stage for at least a part of the epilogue in which the characters express their point of view of what the dock – Our Place – means to them.
Why: This year has been so difficult with covid restrictions and things being cancelled or limited. It’s so nice to have students back on the stage acting again.
The play allows students to continue to work on their acting skills and participate while also following school covid guidelines. Students have been doing a great job focusing on vocal inflection, empathy in character development and purposeful movement.
This play by Terry Gabbard is being produced by special arrangement with
The Dramatic Publishing Company, Inc. of Woodstock, Illinois.