Hallows Hootennanny!

As the autumn approaches, we are excited to get back on our improv comedy horse and bring you a festive evening of fun, frights, music, and absurdity, courtesy of Improv@37 featuring The JOSHES!! Join us Saturday 10/23 at 6 PM at Wilde Moon Acres (formerly Maple Walnut Farms, 5082 Middle Reservation Rd, Castile, NY) for our HALLOWS HOOTENANNY! It’s a good old-fashioned barn party, featuring:
Opening live acoustic music by Andy Lawrence!
Frightful Improv Comedy feat. The JOSHES!
Closing musical act, Seth Faergolzia (of Dufus and Multibird)!
Halloween Costume Contest for Prizes!!!
Free Apple Cider & Donuts with admission! Adult beverages available!!
Bring a jacket, it could get chilly!
Don your best costume, bring your festive Halloween Spirit, and we’ll see you Saturday 10/23 for Hallows Hootenanny! Tickets are $20 and can be found HERE