Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of $4.3 Million Supportive Housing Development Serving New Yorkers Facing Homelessness
Housing Connections Project Adds 19 Units of Supportive Housing in Binghamton’s North Side Neighborhood
Units to House Veterans, the Developmentally Disabled, and Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the completion of Housing Connections, a $4.3 million project that will provide 19 units of supportive housing to serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Funded through the state’s Homeless Housing and Assistance Program, the development will offer permanent housing and supportive services primarily for young adults between the ages of 18 and 25. It will include veterans, the developmentally disabled and formerly incarcerated individuals.
“Everyone deserves a stable home, especially our most vulnerable residents, and permanent supportive housing is a vital component of New York’s unprecedented commitment to address homelessness across the State,” Governor Cuomo said. “This project will put a roof over the heads of homeless New Yorkers and their families, provide them with both a stable environment and supportive services they can rely on, and help them resolve the underlying issues that contributed to their housing instability.”
Built on vacant city-owned land in Binghamton’s North Side neighborhood, the two-story 12,000-square-foot structure includes four one-bedroom units, 10 two-bedroom units, four three-bedroom units, and one four bedroom unit. The Family Enrichment Network will provide tenants with supportive services, including rental assistance, case management, childcare, job readiness training, and counseling referrals.
The project relies on $4.2 million in financing through state’s Homeless Housing and Assistance Program, which is administered by the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. In addition, funding for the supportive services will be provide through Governor Cuomo’s Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative, which is administered by the state Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. Additional funding for the project was provided by the City of Binghamton.
The project advances Governor Cuomo’s unprecedented $20 billion, five-year housing plan, which has helped to build or preserve 7,000 units of supportive housing across the state. Building on his initial commitment, the Governor’s enacted 2021 state budget increased the available funding for the Homeless Housing and Assistance Program from $64 million to $128 million-an amount that is continued in his 2022 Executive Budget.
New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Commissioner Mike Hein said, “Housing stability can be all too fleeting for individuals who have experienced homelessness without addressing the underlying issues that contributed to their situation. This meaningful project in Binghamton, like many others supported through Governor Cuomo’s housing plan, demonstrates our steadfast commitment to ensuring all New Yorkers are afforded the opportunity to have a safe, dignified place to live.”
New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities Commissioner Theodore A. Kastner, MS, MD said, “Projects like the Family Enrichment Network in Binghamton’s North Side build so much more than physical structures for people experiencing housing instability, they also offer the opportunity to people with developmental disabilities to be fully participating members in their communities while living in a home of their choice. The three apartments that have been dedicated to people with developmental disabilities will provide each person with services and supports tailored to meet their individual needs, while simultaneously providing them with the independent lifestyle of their choosing.”
Senator Fred Akshar said, “Our community is committed to fighting poverty, ending homelessness and providing more opportunities for families in need. I applaud Binghamton Mayor Rich David and his team for their work to support neighborhoods like Binghamton’s North Side and Governor Cuomo and his team for committing state resources to communities in need. This is exactly the kind of partnership we need to see more of throughout our state.”
Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo said, “Homelessness is often overlooked in our community and the need for supportive services is even more critical given the COVID pandemic. This housing development, along with important resources through its operator Family Enrichment Network, is welcome news. It will have a significant impact on the lives of so many vulnerable community members.”
Broome County Executive Jason Garnar said, “Broome County, like many other counties is working hard to find solutions to meet the need in our community for permanent supportive housing. This is a great step in the right direction and we are proud to see this project come to life.”
Binghamton Mayor Richard C. David said, “This is what happens when the City takes the lead to demolish blighted buildings, consolidate vacant lots and repurpose the land for community development. What’s been built is brand new housing for some of our most vulnerable residents, building on the momentum happening across the North Side. This project will help address our community’s shortage of supportive housing for homeless individuals and deliver direct access to the resources to help with the significant and lasting consequences of homelessness. I thank Family Enrichment Network for their partnership, and to Governor Cuomo for his support of this project.”
Family Enrichment Network Executive Director Darrell Newvine said, “Family Enrichment Network is dedicated to meeting the needs of our community and is pleased to announce the opening of our Housing Connections Program. This program expands on our existing housing initiatives and advances our agency’s mission. Through this project we will help to end homelessness in our community providing safe, affordable and quality housing coupled with wrap around supports designed to support and empower families and individuals in reaching housing stability. We thank the City of Binghamton, NY-511, OTDA, OPWDD, and our community for their support.”
The Homeless Housing Assistance Program has appropriated more than $1.2 billion capital grants and loans to not-for-profit corporations, charitable and religious organizations, and municipalities to acquire, construct, or rehabilitate housing for New Yorkers who are experiencing homelessness and unable to secure an adequate home without special assistance. An additional $37.6 million remains available for projects through the program’s 2020 grant cycle.