GC Myers at West End Gallery – Opens July 21

West End Gallery announces the opening of the highly anticipated exhibit, “Eye in the Sky” featuring GC Myers. The exhibit will feature nearly 50 new paintings by the nationally known artist! There will be an Opening Reception on Friday, July 21st from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Meet the Artist, enjoy live music and light refreshments while mingling with fellow art lovers! Music will be performed in the Upstairs Gallery by Harpist, Meredith Kohn Bocek. The event is FREE and open to the public. Families are always encouraged to visit.
GC Myers is a nationally known contemporary painter from the Finger Lakes region of New York. He came to painting in mid-life and quite by chance, because of an accident that occurred while building his home in the early 1990’s. Since that time, his recognizable landscapes, known for their strong colors and moods, are avidly collected in the United States and abroad. Over the years, he has had over 40 solo exhibitions at galleries across the country which represent his work.
Myers speaks of his newest collection of paintings:
I’ve been exhibiting my paintings at the West End Gallery since 1995, doing many group and solo shows. I believe this year’s solo show, Eye in the Sky, is my 22nd at the place I consider my home gallery.
Like many other things that take place over an extended period, my painting has evolved and changed.
The techniques and process of my painting have constantly shifted, sometimes dramatically. And though I remain primarily a landscape painter, elements have been added to my paintings. There were redroofed houses, red chairs, sailboats, paths, and fields of flowers, among others. And, of course, the Red Tree that became a sort of trademark, being present in the majority of my paintings over the years.
But there has also been another element that has been present and almost as ubiquitous as that Red Tree. It is the sun or moon that often appears as a large ball in the skies over my imagined landscapes.

Over the years, this sun/moon orb has taken on a greater role. Looking back at older work, the sun/moon was not shown often and was quite small in size when it did appear. It was often just a minor compositional element. However, in the intervening years, this sun/moon has grown in size and prominence in the paintings. It now has a real presence in the paintings, often serving as either the central figure or as a spiritual partner or guide for the Red Tree. The two often seem engaged in a silent conversation in many of the works.
There are probably many reasons for this evolution but the best explanation, at least to my mind, comes from a dream I had a number of years ago. It occurred in the months before the West End show of whatever year it was, at a time when I was struggling with my confidence. I felt more deeply blocked and dejected in my work than I had ever experienced before.
I felt empty, like I had perhaps given all I had to give in my work.
I had a dream one night during this time. I was standing under a dark night sky that was colored in dark green tones. In the dream, I was experiencing the same sort of anxiety that I was feeling in my waking life. Then there appeared an opening in the sky, as though a small sliding panel were opened in the sky.
An eye appeared in the opening. Tinted green in the light of the sky, it seemed to be a clear and ancient eye, surrounded by deep creases and wrinkles that were visible as it peered down at me through the opening.
No words were spoken, no singular message transmitted, or wisdom imparted. It was just there.
It had a great pacifying effect on me in the dream as though I instantly knew that there was something overseeing me and that I was not alone, that all was as it should be.
I woke up with that same pacified feeling of assurance, knowing that everything was as it should be. It was a drastic change from my demeanor of the days and weeks before. Its effect has carried me through that time and in times of anxiety since. The sun/moon has come to symbolize that dream and the ensuing feeling. I believe that dream was the starting point for the increased prominence of the sun/moon orb in my work.

The sun/moon has become a vital element in my work, nearly as much as my Red Tree. It serves many roles, often as a steadying force, symbol of hope and a sense of communion with the universe. I think this year’s show, Eye in the Sky, gives ample evidence of that.
~ GC Myers (June 2023)
GC Myers began exhibiting at West End Gallery in 1995 and is one of the Gallery’s most popular artists. His work is in numerous collections throughout the world. In addition to being represented by West End Gallery, Myers’ work is exhibited in several other galleries across the country. His work has been featured in American Art Collector Magazine. He also was interviewed on the popular Out of Bounds program for NPR by Tish Pearlman and was featured on PBS for Artists Café.
Upstairs Gallery: In addition to GC Myers’ solo exhibit “Eye in the Sky” exhibition in the Main Gallery, there will be new artwork by more than 40 artists on display in the Upstairs Gallery on the second floor.