From the Editor
Memories and Traditions –

was made by
Lukacs Pottery Studios
Sodus Point, NY.
When we asked our contributors to share a favorite recipe with our readers, I was excited to see what came our way. Many of the recipes that came in are rooted in memories, of time shared with family and friends. I love this connection. My favorite was the simplest one, from Sam Hall, in part because it allowed me to add a favorite family recipe, Straight Dough Method White Bread from the kitchen of Grace Allen Gardner (my mother’s mother) that broke my “rule,” that the recipe needed to be for after dinner “owllight” time. Sam’s recipe for an after-dinner treat is to simply spread honey (from his hives) onto bread. The basic bread recipe, that I have used for many years, offers the perfect substrate for honey, and turns bread into a dessert. Another simple favorite is an ice cream recipe from T. Touris (who doesn’t love ice cream) and Laurie Phillip’s accompanying topping suggestion (see page 5 for both).
Some of the recipes are more elaborate and in line with our changing dietary needs and food justice awareness. Others are just for fun and relaxation. All, as was our goal, help us better get to know many of the contributors who pour their hearts, souls, and time into the Owl Light News.
This focus on foods for the holiday also provided an opportunity to introduce our newest contributor, Eileen Perkins (see page 15). It also offers a chance to remind our readers of our submission deadline for “Just De(s)serts” – our literary/arts theme for our January special issue. We will still feature our regular writers (with shorter offerings) along with a selection of theme pieces from the submissions. We have extended the deadline to December 10, 2019 at midnight (which is also the deadline for all content for the January 2020 issue of Owl Light News).
We hope you enjoy all that this issue has to offer, including the many recipes to use and start your own traditions with.
Happy New Year one and all from everyone at the Owl Light News & Canadice Press!
D.E. Bentley, Editor Owl Light News