Featured Event-Everyone is a Storyteller!
Saturdays, September 19 and 26
3:00 to 5:00 p. m.
Two-part workshop
conducted by professional storyteller
Cris Riedel
$20 total cost

Enjoy a 2-session introduction to the ancient art of telling stories. You’ll play games to discover the creative potential of your imagination to help in the performance of a story, listen to some tales and come away with a story to tell. Links for the attendees to watch beforehand are provided as a foundation for the workshop. Both sessions will be conducted virtually, via Zoom, sponsored by the Little Lakes Community Association. All attendees must sign up in advance by visiting www.littlelakesny.org
or Facebook @littlelakesny.org. Questions can be addressed to Cris Riedel at
585-335-5332 or cris@storiesconnect.com.