Featured Event: Cobblestone Springs Open House / Book Launch
Cobblestone Springs, a nondenominational retreat center near Dundee, is hosting an open house Sunday October 18, 2020, from 1 to 4 p.m. We’re excited to announce the publication of founder Jan Carr’s first book, Of Elemental Spirits: The Poetry of Jan Carr. This event will feature readings by the author, book signing, and refreshments.

This graceful volume includes 29 poems by Ms. Carr, capturing her careful observations and in-sights into the natural world around her. She has been writing poetry for many years, but this is the ®rst time a collection has been available to the public. A limited edition was published; copies will be available while they last for $15 each. Proceeds bene®t programming at Cobblestone Springs.
Masks are required for all in-person programs! If weather permits, we may hold most of the event outdoors. Guests may be welcomed inside in small groups, but may explore and enjoy our beautiful grounds while waiting. Please also check the website (CobblestoneSprings.org) or call 607.243.8212 a day or two ahead to con®rm any planned in-person activity in the event of changes in state guidelines before this event.

About Jan Carr
Jan lives near Himrod NY and works as an all-purpose remodeling contractor and gardener/landscaper. As former co-owner of a blueberry farm here, she has always had a deep connection to the spirit of the land.
About Cobblestone Springs
Cobblestone Springs is committed to conscious and responsible participation in the process of creation. We focus our programs on community, creativity, spirituality, and nature. We believe in the essential interdependence of Earth, plant and animal life, and all of humanity. Cobblestone Springs exists to promote awareness of this interdependence by actively engaging people in building community with one another and in stewardship of the Earth. As a retreat center founded in 1995, we strive to create a welcoming place of renewal for people to engage in self-directed contemplation as well as shared group experiences and discussions.