Dance transcends boundaries for those who dare to dream
by Shanna Butler –

It is a rarity in life that you actually get to do what your heart tells you to. Finding the time or way to accomplish what we lay awake at night and envision often times seems
impossible. In this day and age we need individuals who stand out and try to make a difference. We need people who look past limits and boundaries and show others that anything is possible. I have been gifted with the opportunity to do BOTH those things.

I teach dance. Now you might be asking yourself how dance transcends these multiple boundaries? Well let me explain! About 9 or so years ago, after the birth of my first child, I discovered I have an inoperable brain tumor. I’m sure you can understand how devastating that must be to find out, as a new mommy. You stare at your beautiful child and wonder what the outcome may be. I went in for emergency craniotomy to find out that the tumor was and for now remains non-cancerous; it is however growing, and will continue to grow. My excitement for the lack of cancer was quickly overshadowed by the news that I will need to be routinely tested for cancer (1 in 5 people in the world have this type of tumor, most are cancerous). I also learned that the tumor would eventually render me completely blind because of its location.

I left the hospital with serious complications that left me wheelchair bound and unable to walk for almost a full year. During that time I had to relearn EVERYTHING I once knew: how to walk, how to write, how to feed myself and, more importantly, how to hold and care for my son. This was the person who was dependent on me. Day after day I stared at myself in the mirror and told myself I would conquer this. When doctors told me I may not walk again, not only did I show them I could walk but that I COULD DANCE. I worked hard and looked to the future every day, knowing each morning I woke up seeing my children and family was a blessing.

I do not know what the future holds for me, but I do know that nothing is impossible. I make up for life’s uncertainty by spending time with my kids at the studio. That is the whole reason I chase my dream. A place where I can dance and twirl with my daughter, while I can still see her doing these things and a center where I can lift weights and work out with my little guy.
I am also using this space to help children and adults accomplish their dreams: I have children with hip displacement in my classes; I’ve taught children who are blind to dance; I teach private lesson for children who have attempted suicide multiple times and need to express themselves but don’t know how; I teach fitness to woman who have autoimmune diseases and some days can barely move; I’ve had adults with addiction issues dancing in my classes, looking for a space to connect; and I even have an 76 year old man who just wants to dance one “fancy dance” on his bucket list before he dies. Dance transforms you. It takes you places where dreams live. It allows you to glide

across an elegant ballroom floor or kick up your heels and get muddy. People dance in puddles in rainstorms or privately in front of their mirror when they think no one is watching. All over the world dance is used to communicate and endure. I teach kids that dance transcends the boundaries of their everyday life. When life is tough, dance.
On June 2, 2018, I saw my world transformed before my eyes! I watched this community’s youth step onto a dimly lit stage and shine brighter than any light before them.

Students who had spent a week in finals, or with tears over moves that they couldn’t remember ran onto an empty stage and became something they were so proud of. I sat back in the wings and watched the shy meek girl in class wave and wink at audience members cheering her on, I watched the mommy and daughter duo create a lifelong memory that they will hold forever in their hearts, I watched kids stomp, tap, point, tip toe and shake it to whatever music flowed out of the speakers. In that moment, they were
nowhere else in life but there, living a dream that they had achieved through hard work and dedication. They learned steps and combinations, they adjusted to costumes and footwear, they smiled, laughed and cried. I was with EVERY ONE of those kids on that stage. Watching them with such admiration and pride. Pride not only for beautiful dances but also for showing them that no matter what, you can and will dance. After all was said and done I stood alone on that empty stage mesmerized by what had just been accomplished and cried. All along I had been striving to teach these kids something and in the end they taught me so much more. I am so proud of each and every one of them. They are talented beautiful kids and I know that dance has touched their lives like it has touched mine.
Thank you to the Honeoye Community for embracing me and trusting your children to dance. I am excited for what their futures hold and cannot wait until classes start. Challenge yourself today, start something new that is different, allow yourself to find something that takes you away. Find that moment when you are dancing in your car, or bathroom mirror and ask yourself why! Why dance? Because life is better spent dancing in the rain than sitting at the window dreaming about WHAT IF?
Shanna Butler is the owner and lead dance instructor at Shanna Butler Fitness and Dance. Dances classes begin in September 4th and registration will beginning August 13th. We take all ages and at all levels and teach a wide variety of dance styles including tap, ballet, hip hop and lyrical among other forms. Call 585.781.4586 or e-mail : Facebook @ Shanna Butler Fitness and Dance
All photos by Russ Healey