Cornell Cooperative Extension Offers Gardening Course

The COVID-19 pandemic launched us into unprecedented times. Last year, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County launched a series of gardening topics and activities, entitled Just Plant It: Victory Gardening. This course was an on-line, go at your own pace learning experience, where participants could access gardening resources and participate in forum discussions. This year, CCE Ontario is relaunching this course. Participants can expect the same great resources and a few new ones, but with one exciting addition — live Zoom sessions each month! Participants will be able to interact and ask questions directly with Russell Welser, Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticultural Resource Educator.
Participants will have access to the online course when they register for one or all of the live Zoom sessions. There is a fee of $10 per family per session or $50 for all six classes. The following sessions will be offered at 6:30 pm on the following Wednesday evenings:
April 14: Soil preparation
May 12: Planting and Transplanting
June 9: Garden Care: Weeding, Watering, Pests, Diseases
July 14: Fall Planting and More About Garden Care
August 11: Harvesting, Freezing, and Canning Your Produce
September 8: Putting Your Garden to Bed
Whether you are brand new to gardening or have been gardening for years, we would be excited to have you join us and learn more about gardening. You can register for this course by using the registration link:
If you have questions, please email Sarah Wilhelm at
Cornell Cooperative Extension is a non-profit educational organization with a mission to extend new knowledge and research-based information in agriculture, family and consumers sciences from Cornell University to county residents. County residents with concerns or questions related to agriculture, horticulture, water quality, 4-H youth development, parenting can call 585-394-3977 any time or visit our website at
“Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.”