Collecting Art in the Finger Lakes: Collecting Small
by Jeanne Beck –
Can you really find original works at budget prices? Carolyn Phillips, who has a large collection and still keeps adding more, demonstrates convincingly that yes, you really can.
Consider specializing in small works as Carolyn does. They tend to be inexpensive and fit well in small spaces. For larger walls, they can be combined to create an interesting grouping by color, technique or subject matter.
I recently visited Carolyn Phillips’ home to see her collection and talk about how it has developed over the years. She has been an avid collector since she moved to Fairport in 1998 and most of her works have been purchased for $100-$200.

Her small investments have added up to a big collection. Almost every wall in every room of Carolyn’s home is filled with an eclectic assortment of small works. The breakfast nook is nature-themed. The living room walls are filled with pieces about people and places. She laughingly calls her bathroom “the ladies room” with its drawings and paintings devoted to images of women. Several rooms have small solo artist collections
Over the years Carolyn has acquired pieces by attending First Friday open studios in Rochester, particularly Rochester Contemporary, Anderson Alley and the Hungerford Building. She attends art fairs and special art exhibits as well.
She tries to attend as many art openings and events as possible, because in addition to looking at art works she derives great pleasure from getting to know the artists. “I really like to meet the artists whose works I purchase,” Carolyn says. Many of them have become friends over the years and that makes the works she’s collected by them more meaningful. She signs up for artists’ mailing lists and her artist friends let her know when interesting events and shows are happening.
She chooses pieces that “that hold my interest visually,” and is influenced by color, design, texture and the type of image. She adds, “I also love it when the price is good!” Her collection has grown so large, she’s now considering how she might rotate or retire some works to make space to add new ones.
When asked if she can offer any advice to others interested in collecting, she says to “just enjoy it”. “Collecting brings me a lot of joy. The longer you collect, the more you will see how you have grown in your appreciation of art. “
Jeanne Beck is a mixed media artist who owns Jeanne Beck Art Gallery & Studio, 154 Mill Street, in Downtown Canandaigua. for hours and events. I’d love to share how your interest in art started and grew. Please call me at 585-704-6419 or write